Assalm o Alaikum Eminent Sheikh I am very emotional and hasty person and often makes wrong decisions when I am in anger. I am marrying to a girl now and I am afraid that I might have some fight with her over any small issue and I utter the word of Talaq from my mouth unintentionally in anger. Therefore in my marriage Contract, I want to stipulate.. More
Salaam Alaikum,
Is it Permissable to not wear the hijab in front of.... my grandma's brother (My dad's mom) from my dad's side and my mom's sisters' husband who is probably in the 60's+ range in age?? Do I have to wear hijab in front of them?
Jazak'Allah khair.
.. More
assalam 3alaikoum i live in america and my wife called the cops on me they put me in jail .i lost every thing after jail she throw me in the street i become a homeless she destroyed our life and i think she is sheating on me .so i left usa to my country and she ask me to come back because we have one daughter together i asked her to come to me but.. More
Assalam alaikum.we r 4 brothers,our parents r alive,only i work,do business,i suffer all expenses of our home,i give money to all members of my family,i didnt take any help in my job from them,my two brothers study in madrasa( school)my other brother do work but i didnt take nothing from him,i helped most of times in cash,also in other fields of life,now.. More
Revered Ulama-e-ikram, I am living in the USA as US citizen. I am a Hanafi from Ahlus Sunna Val Jamaat. I developed love with a Sunni Muslim Girl from South India through Internet. So I came to India and met her. as I did not want an unlawful or Haram sex. I am a very religious person so even in USA I would not get into any affair with any girl so how.. More
asalamalaykum wa rahamatullahAlhamadulillah i am engaged and inshallah i will be getting married within few months.My fiance was residing in Saudi Arabia for 10 years alhamadulillah but due to his further education he had shift to India. While he wasin saudi he was alhamadulillah very prayerful and allah fearing.since he landed to india he is changed.. More
salam aleikum. i have problems with my daughter who is 7 years and i really need som advice. I live in scandinavian kafer country. I have convert 2 and half years ago. one year after i converted i finded my husband who is very good muslim and we now have one son with who is 4 months. before i married him i have one daughter with other man (whn i was.. More
salam. hope u r in the best of health..
i used to sms a guy who loves me, i also promised him that when i finish school, i will see if i can marry him. But now that am realising what i did was wrong, i stoppes sending him message. and i also know that he is a smoker and is not a good guy in general. Should i keep my promise although he is not a good.. More
Assalaamu alaikum,
I am a female doctor, recently started practicing Islam, although I had inherited belief, however weak by ancestry. I am working in adult general medicine which means i have contact with non-mahram male patients, as well as females. I work in a non-muslim country and recently am very concerned whether my contact with non-mahram patients.. More
hello sir,
i am from India, am 37, a doctor, and i married 9 months ago by an arranged marriage by my parents( mother), father is no more. she had studied outside the state for 10 years. i came to know in my marriage life that my wife had some friend circle( non muslims.males) in her college, univ and working place, one of them(non muslim).. More
Aslkm! this is my 2nd mail regd this subject. I didnt got reply to my first mail. same question again. I want to marry a girl who is my relative. My relation to her is - she is my cousin sisters daughter. Can i marry her according to Shariah. As her sister calls me brother(not own), is it permissible for me to marry her with the aspect of islam. Please.. More
Asalamualikum I have been married for 12 years, I have 3 kids, my husband has always owned grocery stores, they sell beer, and wine, we both know its haram, he pays sadaqa, zakat, takes care of his family, prayes, but he still does not know how to get out of it, I hate it and ask him all the time to get rid of it and he says inshallah, I have two kids.. More
Assalaamu alaikum,
A sister is asking:
This is a question in regards to airport scanning machines, the new ones are like x- ray vision and can see our body in graphic detail naked. Apparently the images are viewed in a room far away and are not in any way saved.
If we do not pass through the machines then we cannot fly. whats the ruling on this
Jaz.. More
When my husband and I married, we had the Imam on the phone who was out of state, 2 muslim male witnesses on the phone who were also out of state, my Wali was on the phone who was also out of state, and a Christian female who was physically present at the time of Nikah. Does that make my marriage void?.. More
a guy proposed to me, he is religous and i feel confident about his character and morals. The situation is that he lives in Tunisia and i live in USA. is there any possible way for me to travel to his country for the reason of marriage eventhough i dont have a mahram. My intentions are to live in this country for good with him. Please advise me what.. More