Assalamy alaikom, I have a curious question about marrying a couple. I am a muslim living in Montreal, Canada, and so does my family. My mother (a muslim) would like to marry a local canadian man, who is looking to convert to islam. As her son, do I have the right to wed this couple if he converts? they are looking to marry between themselves and allah,.. More
My wife wants Khulla through court, I have two kids elder son aged 10 years and younger daughter 7years old,On the influence of my wife court decided that custody of son will remain with me and daughter will remain with my wife, but my wife wants to remarry through her parents consent, now please guide in the light of Islam that Is that possible that.. More
I am chirstan gilr (Jenace) My father do not agree to my marriage to a muslim man becuase he wants me finish studies first I can not tell or ask any other male member of my family to act as my wali. Dowry was set up also and we announced it over Facebook plus my to my father i just said i will marry him if you no marry me, But he dont knw we did this.. More
My husband and I got married (with our parents consent )because we liked each other very much and thought we could not live without each other. After 8 years of our marriage and two kids my husband complained that I was sleeping or busy with kids due to which I was not attending to his physical needs and stated that due to this he wants.. More
Asalamualikum Hope u can help me. Me and my husband recently went to a mufti at an sharia islamic centre who said we have been divorced once when my husband said the words talaq talaq talaq in one go as he did not intend 3 talaqs and made him take an oath that he didnt. I asked another imam about this issue just generally without giving him all the.. More
Salam Ayalkum, A brother has recently converted to Islam by the grace of Allah. We would like to get married and his and my family agree to this marriage. The problem is that before he even knew what Islam really was and meant he married a woman so she can come to this country. he did this as a favour for his family as she is a family friend. They did.. More
If a husband divorces his wife by email but refuses to give her an official divorce paper, what is the status of the divorce? If he has bad intentions, could he, for example, claim to be an heir if she dies? .. More
Alsalaam o Alaykom.. i'm on my early twenties, i met a guy on my teenager years and i didnt have the full knowladge of beening in a realtionship,,,i gave this person my self for 2 years doing haram stuff and from the haram stuff. Anyway, i cut my realtion with this person and i said that i wont give myself to a guy that much. i know that from (SHOROOT.. More
Salaam aleikom wa rahmatullah wa barakato: I need some advice, please. I was divorced from my 1st husbands years ago, I have 2 children from that marriage. I married again 2 years ago. My daughter who is 11 lives with me and my husband, while my son, 14 is currently with my parents(non-Muslims), only temporarily, he is expected to join us in a couple.. More
Asalamu aleikum wr wb dear sheikh..
Firstly am a student in a mixed collage, and to avoid fitnah i was thinkin to start niqab and stop the collage since we dont have any collage for women. A sister adviced me to wear a niqab, and I know and feel that I have to take niqab for the looks a get from men both from the class and outsite even thoughe I'm.. More
I was 14 years old when I fell in love with a boy who did not know where and from what family back ground I belonged. He directly proposed me and asked me to marry him from the very first day. I told my mother about it (who was a cancer paitent at that time). Gradually, my father got to know about it and my family turned against him because he did not.. More
All Perfecct Praise be to Allaah, The Lord of the Worlds, I testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allaah, and that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger ! Due to some dispute with my Father-In-Law, He force me to come and settle down at their home, I am not willing to go with it. At last he took my wife with him. I told her to stay we will.. More
I want one clarification regarding cultural ritual at the time of marriage. In northern India it is a tradition that one day before Nikah in Groom home some ladies gather for haldi(turmeric) ritual where these ladies massage the body (like arm, feet, chest and face ) of groom with wet turmeric and singing traditional songs. In these.. More
assalam alykum i hav given my daughter to my sister in law now the daugter is 13 years old now she doesnt allow me to show love to her or allow us to talk to the child she says that u have given now ur relation is finished that giel is getting attached to me due to the miss behavior of her fostr mother and getting spoiled do i hav any right over that.. More
Asalam allaikum wa rahmatullah wa baraktuh!
I have one Question: I live in Europe. I and many of my frinds has the Problem, that our husbands shaves off their beard and shows their auwrah (Shot jacket and tight trousers).
Due to the fact, that it is forbidden to show one's auwrah and shave the beard, is it permissible for us to stop sexual intercourse.. More