As Salaamu Alaykum, Shiekh
My question is that can a boy who reached the age of puberty do massage to his mother from toes to knees (with oil), occasionally, my mother tells me to massage it because of pain she have in her legs, and I feel very touchy and sometimes unusual, and also that is the mother's command.
Can he deny to massage his mother.. More
Please help me for I feel sad and confused about my situation. I was married about 9 years to a converted Muslim man. He prayed for about 3 years then he stopped. I was very sad and unhappy about the situation because i wanted to be rightous man but he couldn't keep up with salat eventhough i was advising him a lot. Last year he started to chat with.. More
Dear Respected Sir, I am a 29 year old male who is in the higher education profession. for the past many months i have been seriously considering marriage and have singled out a fellow worker whose habits and character and Devotion to religion i really like. many times she has guided me on religious ways as well which i sincerely liked and appreciated... More
Dear brother in Islam, I wanted to help my friend by making some qestion clear by your help. My lady friend is hindu by religion and the person whom she loves is muslim. They both love eachother very much. She wanted to convert islam and wanted to to be with him. The muslim guy told his parentsthat he loves one hindu lady and wants to marry her. ALso.. More
Respected Sheikh, Assalamu Alaikum, I want to know that how deal a wife who is religious and chaste but proud, careless, disobedient, neglectful and have no attachment towards her husband. She is too much involve in computer and internet that now husband is feeling that she has no interest with him and hurts him a lot and now husband is facing depression.. More
Asalamu Alakumm
Jazakum allah khear for your work and effort, I have alhamdullah recently graduate and I am now looking to complete half of my deen. There is this practising sister at my university which mashallh dress modestly and is always involved in Islamic events, charity organisations for Palestine, attending study circles and even teaching.. More
Assalam alaikum. I had 1 query from many days in my mind so wanted to clear the same. I got married in April 2007. After 2 two months of marriage I got seperated with my wife ue to arguments. That time she was pregnant. then many things happend and our matter went to government court. this case was on for more than a year. During this year. I sent 1st.. More
salam alaikum sheikh
i am a 19 year old girl. my problem is that i have a neighbour who is 2 or 3 years elder to me. we dont know each other though our parents know each other well. i was abroad for several years and came back to home land for higher studies. my parents are still abroad. that is when i started noticing him. we were together on daawah.. More
How to prove I gave my wife money, and I bought an apartment for US?
PLEASE I NEED ALL THE HELP AND IDEAS I CAN GET??? Will I was vacation in Egypt 1 time and I met a girl.She claimed that she loved me.So after a year of talking I went back to marry her.Her family ask me to pay about $30,000 for GOLD and furniture, and told me to pay an apartment for.. More
Respected scholer, Could you please answer my quietion?JASAKKALLAHU HAIRA When i marry my husband my parents gave us house ,a shop and paddy field the house is rented and we get money from that but my husbund handling all the money matters.If i want to give my parents any small gifts he get angry and he want to give his family can i tell this.. More
i got married with an agreedable installment dowry cash later on i found my husband financial situation is down i wanted to forget and lessen the dowry and i considered all what he spent for wedding as a part of it.whats the best solution.. More
Asalamualaikum, May Allah reward you for your time and this service. I would like to ask a question regarding child custody in Islam. I have obtained Khul from my husband based on two key reasons. The first reason is that I found out that he had committed sexual acts with prostitutes and a male partner. The second reason is that he has started following.. More
Assalamualaikum brother, I had a relation with a girl for 2 years. Couple of months ago we had sex. We got ourselves in this HARAM deed for several times. But we both used to think our selves husband & wife though i know its pure HARAM. But suddenly she changed and started telling that she wants to get back to her previous boyfirend as she saw.. More
Respected Scholar:
We are going through hell and need your help and guidance. Our daughter who is 24 years old has been in continuous contact with a man who is of the bad character and no one in the community will marry their daughter to him, he was married someone in Pakistan and has a daughter he is in Mortgage business which is haram he is already.. More