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5673 fatwas

  • His wife pressed him to sign her divorce papers while he was in prison

    Aslamaluykum! Before 6 months i was in jail under Financial alligations on me in pakistan, My wife during my custody in jail broguht a legal divorce papper which was written from my side but i didnt niether purchased , nor i have any intentions to prepare such papper. She came in Jail and ask me to sign on that divorce papper and there was wirrten.. More

  • Her husband broke his pre-marriage promises

    I got married 5 months ago, before marriage my husband promised my mum and dad that after marriage he will not stop my studies,he will come with me overseas for my citizenship will stay there 1 one for that atleast.he also promised that his married sister with her two kids living with him will not create any problem for me,after marriage.. More

  • His wife believes in the Oneness of Allaah, but does not practice Islam

    he has a wife who believes in oneness of ALLAH but never practise the obligatory acts of whorship shes converted thrue him they were officemate and behaves arrogantly towards his husband she is inconsistent and changeable mind they have a daughter he devorced her already twice and now he married other girl who practised his aim for a new marriages is.. More

  • He loves a Muslim girl who has a relationship with a non-Muslim man

    I am in one of the Nigerian higher institutions, accidentally fell in love with a girl who use to be my reading mate. The truth is that i truly love this girl and will like to marry her if Allah wishes. The problem is that she has a boyfriend who is a non-muslim and i think this is affecting her deen negatively. She also love me but the truth is she.. More

  • A baby sucking the milk of a woman who never got pregnant

    Dear Ustaz, To ensure that we're clear of any doubt as His servant in line with what Prophet Ibrahim did when he actually asked Allah to bring back life after death and Prophet Moses when he wanted to see Him and there went the crashed mountain. I would like to seek your opinion on the future status of our adopted female infant who managed.. More

  • Falling in the Satanic trap of exchanging love phrases

    Question: Is there such a thing as love for the sake of Allaah between men and women? Is there a problem if a woman says to a man whilst talking to him, "I love you for the sake of Allaah" and he replies back, "May Allaah love you as you loved me for His sake"? This actually happened whilst chatting during an objective discussion between a man and.. More

  • Having the name ‘Rasool’

    1.One of my colleagues at work bears Rosul as name, is it allow to name one Rosul? 2. My fiancee once asked me if it is allow for one to get marry and avoid child birth till she is done with her studies using control measures in order not to interupt her educatiion .. More

  • A religious girl wants to marry him, but she is not beautiful

    I'm 27y old my question is that one she is almost religions and five time prays and bears good moral character from religious family. she loves my very much bu I don't like her becoz but she is not beautiful but she is deendar. she is telling if i will not marry her she will never marry in the life, and she is crying for me, kindly advice me what should.. More

  • He lives abroad and heard rumors that his wife is cheating on him

    Salam-u-alikom. I am going through a very hard time. I live in the US and my wife is in Pakistan. I heard rumors that she is in touch with strange men. I went there and found out a man telephone number in her purse and many phone call exchanged between them. I found out that this man even came to her house one time. She admitted and said he is her.. More

  • He uttered divorce thrice in one breath

    i have been married for 9 years. after the first year of our marriage, i said the divorce words to my wife all in one breath out of EXTREME stress, anger and rage over an argument. my family never let my wife live in peace and i was too blinded to see my wife's innocence. in most of the cases, it was my family that was at fault. after i said these words,.. More

  • A Muslim woman wearing the burkini swimsuit

    Salaamu Alaykum, Sheikh, What is the ruling over women clothing known as "burkini" a type of swimsuit designed for Muslim Females? Is it permissible in Shar'ah? Jazaak ALLAHu Khair... More

  • Her husband's family and first wife are pressuring him to divorce her

    im 7 months pregnant now and i havent seen or heard from my husband for abt 2 months now i dont knw wht to do anymore. his family never knew tht he married me and when they found out they wanted him to leave me for his other wife and kid tht he has to choose one. they came to my house and told me to take money or give them my baby or take child support.. More

  • Her husband sent her an email saying he wants to end their marriage

    Asalamaalikum, Does a divorce takes place if a husband hires an attorney not a muslim one and signs a paper infront of judge. On the divorce paper its doesn't say three times. it says I divorce her and his signs. He signed it on October 14 and I met him on October 16 where we were intimate and so I asked three different Imams including the one who.. More

  • Her husband has an extra marital affair with another woman

    Assalam o alekum I've been married for 10 years, have 3 kids son 9 and daughters 4 and 2. My husband was in sexual relationship with a girl before we got married for about 3-4 years. I got to know this after my son was born at that time he was sexually involved with her after some times he kicked me out of the house when I caught him talking to her... More

  • Her husband gave her the right to divorce herself from him

    Aoa, i married a man in 2001 and in the nikah, i was given the right of divorce. after about 5 years, situation was not good so i asked my husband that i divorce u, do u accept it, he said yes and v repeated the same process for 3 times after every one month. during that time, v were in touch thru messages etc, but v did not have intercourse, as v were.. More