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5673 fatwas

  • Depressed and needs to show affection to her children

    dear brother i am suffering from depression and would like some help please. i have had it for 7 years now and feel very guilty as my eldest was then 6 years old and now she is nearly masha Allah 13. i have been a nagging picky mother especially to her, which has lead her to be a bit upseet with me. i was grumpy, you name it everything.asthaghfurAllah!.. More

  • Committed adultery with a married woman and wants to marry her

    I am 26 years old muslim working here in saudi arabia. I committed zina to a non muslim girl who have a family of her own and still living with them. I know that the youngest daughter she have right now is mine. I wanted to know the rights of the child if she can use my surname if i acknowledge her. we are planning to seperate ways by the mother of.. More

  • She feels humiliated that her husband reconciled with his first wife

    Aslm Alkm.Pls help me .im the 2nd wife of my husband , and he already have a first wife with 3 kids all are grownup. like age 17, 15 and 11.His first wife is not at all a understanding lady past 14 years my husband controlled himself because of 3 kids,they both didnt hav proper sharing of bed also with him, After second marriage there was a very.. More

  • Learning English in mixed gender circles

    Question Assalam u Alaikum May Allah (SWA) bless you all. I have question regarding the communication between boys and girls. Actually i am not intrusted or willing to talk with some boyz but its my compulsion to talk with them because i am learning english language and its teacher order to communicate each other we aoofen talk geral ablout our.. More

  • A woman wearing light make up when going out of her house

    if i am properly covered when i go out,but showing my face and hands, with light make up in weddings or when i have to go out somwhere where men are also present for eg eating out with my husband etc,i wear light make up for my self as needed by situation or for my husband,will that be a sin?or will that come under "what apparently appears there of".. More

  • She handed over her baby to her abusive negligent husband

    as-salam `alaykum wa rahmat ALLAH wa barakatuh Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Raheem A sister asked this question, kindly, help me to give her the reply, in sha' ALLAH: I am mother of 1 month old child. My issue is that my husband never owned me and my child during pregnancy. he gave so much mental torture and physical torture so that i have to take divorce.. More

  • A widow leaving her house to attend her husband's funeral in another village

    Assalam o Elaikum, My father died at a hospital in Islamabad. The dead body was brought to his house in Islamabad where we performed ghusal. Then the body was taken to our ancestral place in Sialkot (several hundred kilometers from Islamabad) where he was buried in ancestral graveyard after another ghusal and funeral. All of our family (including our.. More

  • Took Khul' without having the intention to remarry

    A women has taken Khula from a court in Pakistan. Her hasband was habitual drinker,did not meet day to day the expenses of his wife, beet her several times and has a group of friends who are regular drinkers, theif, dacoit etc. She was at her mothers house for the last 2 years. A proposal came to her by a man and she decided to take divorce and to.. More

  • He is ashamed that he sent his second wife to her country

    i am living with my wfie n adult sons in india.i married an arab woman as my second wife n brought her to india.since the second wife came,my health became very bad.i could not continue life with second wife.therefore i requested her to go back to her country and i gave her settlement first wife is against with my living with second wife.i.. More

  • This divorce is a major irrevocable divorce

    Assalam-o-Alaikum, I am Saima from Quetta Pakistan. I got married 4 years back and have a child of two years old now.. 1. On 15th July 2009 My husband told me"I AM GIVING YOU ONE DIVORSE - I AM USING MY ONE RIGHT, TWO ARE STILL WITH ME" 2. He did "RUJU" on 11th August..means my Iddah period become finished. 3. On 2nd September 2009 he told me infront.. More

  • Her husband brought his domineering mother to live with them

    Assalamo 3alaykom.. I am a woman married for almost ten months but have had many problems with my husband from the second month of our marriage.Its that he took me to live with him in another country and so i left my entire world for him but he turned out to be so selfish and unappreciateing .The problem is started when his very rich mother decided.. More

  • Her husband mistreats her for her mother's bad behaviour towards him

    Asalamu Alaikum. I was staying at my parents house ( which was given as dowry to my sister during her marriage) for the last 15 years on a reasonable rental basis. My parents & sister with her family are abroad. But recently, my bil lost his job and has returned to motherland to settle. Under the circumstances, we have to hand over the house to her... More

  • Her husband insults her and reproaches her daughter from a black man

    salam aleikum. i have one big problem in my marriage and i hope inshallah you can guide me and my husband. me and my husband have been married for 1 year and we are very happy. i have one daughter from other man. she is 7 years old. me and her dad separated 5 years ago and we have not have any contact since. he dont want to have any contact with my.. More

  • Her husband humiliates her for committing Zina before marriage

    Assalamu Alaikum, I have been married now for two years wa elhamdoullillah. I commited zina before and my husband knows about it. The issue is that every time we have an argument he brings it up and makes me feel so bad. He even once started to call me names and I have doubts now that he ever will be able to forgive me and love me for the person who.. More

  • Her husband and his mother behave very badly towards her

    I am 4 years married women, age 30. I did my MBA and doing job with good salary. My problem is that from the second day of my marriage my husband started saying me that he does not like me because I am not beautiful, attractive and tall. He looks upset and whenever I tried to talk to him in diferent ways he wanted to make me understand to leave him.. More