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5673 fatwas

  • A wife contacting her ex-husband to discuss the future of their child

    assalm alkm. im second wife to my husband ..i have one girl baby of my x husband. i want to know whether i can contact x husband and speak ..i want to ask him the money for my baby`s education and future. can i ask him. do islam allows to speak to x husband after kula or thalaq.. can we meet him just to ask money for the baby`s future....please tell.. More

  • His wife refuses his call to bed and does not contribute to household expenses

    I am married since 3 years ago and we had a familiar problem in 1st year with my parents that we couldnt resolve yet. It sill existing but we try to forget it, but still coming to our comversation everytime we argue. My wife doent take can sexual needs as serious, we have sex just when she likes, sometimes we pass more then moth and probably 2 or more.. More

  • A woman uncovering her face in front of her non-Mahram relatives

    aoa, i always used to cover my head,left my face,hands and feet uncovered,now i hav started doing face veil,my problem is that na mehram male couins and other male relatives come to my house,this is a norm here in my country,i feel very uneasy,awkward and become sad because it is impossible for me to cover my face inside my house and my uncles and grand.. More

  • Wants to choose between his wife and his girlfriend

    My parents got me engaged when I was 15years old. I lived in the USA and the girl was in pakistan. I was so young I didnt know anything about engagement and marriage. As I got older I finally realized what had happend and I didnt want to be engaged to this girl. I never talked to this girl and only saw her 1 time when i went to pakistan when I was 18years.. More

  • Principles of Muslim woman's dress at home and outside

    Dear shaikh As-slam o Alaikum warehmatullahhee wabarakatohuu please help me out of this situation I am a young boy of 23 yrs Al hammadulillah I ma a born Muslim but i got hadaya later on with the grace of Allah , I very much fear from Allah I am also shy to ask that question. My question to you is regarding to the present world especially in our.. More

  • Who has more right to the wife's earnings?

    i m a doctor, my parents put in their hard efforts for my studies. now i am married and now i am doing some job for the very first time after completing my studies. i just wana ask who has right on my pay. do clear it regarding my parents, i want to give and support my parents as much as i can. but people do talk in a way that parents shd not take.. More

  • His father is not just between his two wives

    I'm a 19 years old,my father is one of reich businessmen in the city,and he has 2 families but he isn't faire in many aspects to my mother and family.He is always biassed as mach as i cann't explaine. Is it haram if I spend money(without his permission) for things that are necssary e.g educational purposes and things that might not be necessary but.. More

  • Many questions about organizing a wedding

    Assalamu Alaikum,Dear Al-Sheikh, I am gonna marry on coming year with my future partner. I and my spouse like to do our nikah in true Islamic way. Even I am knowing the way, I am having some doubts on it. Please kindly clear my doubt on following topics. * Where should the nikah take place on? In boys's home or Girl's home?* Which day there should be.. More

  • Said to his wife 'I want to give you a divorce'

    SSALUM-O-ALUKUM, Dear brother, iam really sorry that i wrote my question in urdu i appologize for that now i write it in english. Me n my wife was angry and on phone i said to her i want to give u a divorce and iam giving u a divorce but before saying these words my intention was to say the words of divorce but before it first i will must observe.. More

  • Took his wife back after the expire of her waiting period

    assalamualyekum, I know acc. to hadees e pak "divorce pronounced in anger is also accepted".I divorce my wife in anger two times.Firstly at my home and secondly at her home in front of her mother.From two years v r living separatley. iddah period get expired and this year on feb 18th she met me and having sexual intercourse with me and i said to him.. More

  • Rights of husband during the waiting period of his wife

    I began the divorce from my unhappy wife by saying that I divorced her. She said that she wants to leave the house for her iddah period as she is sure that she is not pregnant so that she can become more independent. She also said that she will go to the food bank instead of eating from my food. After that, she expects to come back and take our five.. More

  • Custody of daughters after the divorce of their adulterous mother

    Assalamu Alaikum My x-wife took Khula from me last november2008. She did zina with her uncle, Twice I forgive her but she did third time with same uncle.Khula done in India by Islamic Shariya Aliya commetti. I have three daughters first 14years second 12years and third one 7years 8months. Two elder daughters living with me because shaiya ask them.. More

  • Divorce takes place even without getting a divorce certificate

    after husband conversion to islam and also pronouncing three times talaq and getting divorce certificate from arbitrary council does christian marriage becomes null/void?.. More

  • He studies in a mixed university where there is a great temptation

    Assalamu Alaikum! I'm studying in mixed campus. There is no non-mixed institutions in my country where I can study my field of specialization (But there exists other courses in some other institutions where there only male students study, but I'm not sure whether those programs would help me to find a good job.). I do not sit right next to female students.. More

  • Said to his wife "I am in full sense" and did not intend to divorce her

    Divorce Matter: salam with kind respect i belong to deoband firqa i have done nikkah not rukhsati yet due to financial clahses one day we were in very deep discussion and i say to my wife that i am in full sense after this i stop my words and i didnt use the word divorce and my thought was also not to do that so please my nikkah is valid or not thanks .. More