Asalam alaikum
My question is I have two wives and my daughter is getting married soon insha'Allah so will my son in law be able to see my second wife without hijab does she have to cover herself in front of my son in law because my daughter is from my first wife my second wife does not have any children with me so does my second wife have to cover.. More
Asalam Alaykum, i have been a new Muslim for 8 years. I got engaged with a young lady who is also Muslim but when she broke off the engagement my iman became weak. I am so ashamed to admit this, but i turned to a non-muslim woman for comfort and unlawful relations took place. I don't know if she is pregnant or not. Then i received a call and i was given.. More
salam aleikum. i have one question about mahram. i know that my husbands brothers are not my mahrams, because if i divorce him im allowed to marry his brothers, but what about my husbands uncles (his moms brothers) are they mahram for me or not?? thanks for the help. salam aleikum.. More
A man with untreateable desease went to a girl gurdian to propose marriage to the girl. Though he know about his desease He did not disclose to the gurdian that he is ill after marrying the girl catch the desease and they get divorced
1) What is fatwa on this marriage taking into account gurdian was not given information so that he can take.. More
I am a religiously committed man and want to marry and wish my wife observe proper hijab (covering her face and hands) with all non mehrams including my brothers and cousins and uncles but my parents and brothers are not agree with me they think I am extremist. Please guide me what should I do in this case? I don't want to take any step against Sheria.
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Assalaamu Alaykum
My priority is Allah's pleasure and Akhirat and i would like to have best advice on the following situation.
My family does not follow Islam properly including my father which means he does not care much about halal haram issues in his business.
Allah(SWT) granted my hidiyat and gave me courage and motivation to follow Islam Wholehearted.. More
On the day of my wedding feast (waleemah) my uncle(mother's brother) died, so we cancelled our waleemah. Its one and half year now since that incident and I still didnt arranged the waleemah again.
Is it necessary to have waleemah?.. More
Assalam Alaikum,my father and my uncle got school for while i was in my final year in primary school,i was said to bear another person name i was very small their wish was my command so i went since then up to today i have being bearing that person name my real name is Lukman Abdulazeez while i am made to bear Yusuf Mohammed, all my document bear Yusuf.. More
Asalam o Alikum,
Dear Sir/Ms.
1. I would like to know about the status of the children in case of Misyar. Who is going to take the responisibilities of the children (Nan-Nafqa).
2. Does the children have any share in the propoerity of the parents.
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As salaam alay kum,
I need clarification about the ruling on implied divorce and the role of intention.
I have read in your fatwas that the implied divorce takes effect if there is intention to divorce when the implied statement is made (such as "leave me" or "get out of my life" etc).
If one is planning to divorce his wife when he makes.. More
I am a christian woman married to a muslim man. we have been married for 7 years. He pronounced a third talaq upon me because he wants children now, even tho when we were married i told him i could not have any and he accepted. The first two talaq were in the past four or five years when he was angry with me. As a christian, am I bound by this decree,.. More
aslaamalaikum, dear brother/sister my question is that i am expecting a son by gods grace and i would like to name him after my fatherinlaw mohammed hussain, is this ok, and if my mother in law decides not to allow this for whatever reason should i listen to them, and what about the name mohammed ali humzah would this be a suitable name for a child?.. More
Salam aleikum,
There is this sister who is a revert and made hijra to an Islamic country by herself, her being the only Muslimah in her family. She is so overly positive that she thinks that all Muslims are honest and sincere, and so people take advantage of her all the time. She has been married three times and every time the husband took advantage.. More
respected Ulmah
i am married from 8 yrs and Alhumdulillah having 3 childrens. my wife told me that once my father had sex forcely with her 12 to 14 months before and she didnot told me about that and after that i had a baby 2 months before. and now she said she cannot live with me plz tell me will she be mywife anymore or not.
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once i am talking with my wife on a mobile phone. during talk due to some harsh behaviour of my wife i said " i gave you 1 talak"
she disconect the phone.
i have no wittnes.
my in laws said that you gave her 3 talak ,coz if she did not disconect the phone you may be say this 3 times.
tell me according to islam what is our position?
and what is.. More