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5673 fatwas

  • Wife's name not mentioned during marriage contract

    If the name of my wife never mentioned during marriage contract by her father is the marriage contract annulled or is it ok, for your information I have seen her before the asked and we have a marriage certificate before contract. What if I cannot decide if I meant Talaaq or not when I said Kinaya word in some situations, what is the solution.. More

  • Not mentioning the name of the bride/groom's father during marriage contract

    Assalamualikum My question is 'Is the name of the father of the Bride & Groom to be mentioned at the time of Nikah ?' ( if parents are divorced & child has been brought up by any one)& on the day of resurrection we will be know by what names ?(fathers or mothers) Jazakallah .. More

  • On Judgment Day, people will be called by their father’s name

    Will people on the Day of Resurrection be called by the names of their fathers or their mothers?.. More

  • She sent her husband a fake email to test his loyalty

    Assalamu Alaikkum Its been 3 years since my marriage and i have 2 kids by Allahs grace a boy and girl. My husband married me with his own like. He is handsome, tall and fair whereas I am short, plump and with average beauty. He took good care of me without making me know any difficulties. But recently, I saw that he received a phone call from a lady.. More

  • She lacks affection and love from her husband

    Asalamu alaykum My question is how to advice a husband who spends a lot of time watching TV and using Internet.i do not want that my children to see this, to take example. we do not go out together for family day, we do not talk face to face coz most of the time he listens to me while using the Internet. i use 2 talk alot before marriage .i want him.. More

  • Male and female medical trainees seeing each other's private parts

    Assalamualaykum. I'm a male medical student in a non-islamic country. During classes, sometimes we have to see other's awrah and expose our own awrah. For example we have to see female's private parts during examinations, practicals. And female students too, vice versa. 2 main questions - 1. Is it permissible for us to see other's awrah? 2. Is it permissible.. More

  • His mother sexually abused him when he was a child

    "AOA, this a memory that i kept within myself but now its bthering me alott n to tell some thing like this courage is needed and after buildin in tellin i dunt knwo how to explain it but i m trying.when i was 5 my mother used to take me on herself n remove my pants and her clthes n move me on her like sex she did this alot of times sumtime removing.. More

  • Swore not to have intercourse with his wife whom he was forced to marry

    what is the status of this marriage now according to islam? 1-marriage was not based on the free will of a boy but he did take her in the nikah 2-boy and girl do not have any sexual relationship after the six months of marriage 3- boy swor By Allah infront of family members ,that he will not have any relation with the girl my question is after Swearing.. More

  • Her brother-in-law is living with them in the same house

    Assalamulaikum. I have been married for 3 years now and my mother-in-law and brother-in-law are living with us in our house. According to Islam my brother in law is not mahram to me; He is 3 years older than me (30yrs old) and unmarried as yet. His personality is that he keeps to himself most of the time, so we hardly interact with eachother. However.. More

  • Women are permitted, indeed commanded, to seek knowledge

    "assalamu alikum ,my question is regarding women's education ,im 21 yrs old and im associated with tabligh, my mum is now looking a girl for me and when i put in masura with tabligh elders regarding marriage with that girl,they rejected because that girl is educated and also when i talk with tablighi guys they say dont go for educated girls they will.. More

  • His wife confessed to him that her uncle had sexually abused her in the past

    assalam walikum, i got married recently and i was really frustutaed with my wife behaviour. when i emphasized her, she revealed her past from the age of 8, that her maternal uncle used to lure her by giving her candies and take her to the terrace and use to do all sorts of sexual activity in the nights. this was carried every day till she realized.. More

  • Her maternal grandfather denies her the right to marry

    Assalaamu Alaykum I kindly ask your advice on the matter below. My mother was murdered by my father when I was a child and my maternal grandparents raised me. I have no relationship with my father or his family. I was married and had children and was divorced after 8 years after my husband physically and emotionally abused me. I am divorced for.. More

  • Wants to reconstruct her hymen before consummating her marriage

    Salam alaykom.I live in a muslim Arab country where sexual relationships have become a habit between men and women before marriage.I did that and now I'm no more a virgin.I realised how awful it was and regretted it so many times and repented since 1 year.Now I'm going to be engaged and my future husbad knows that I had sex before and he knows that.. More

  • His wife suddenly rebelled against him

    I left my wife to her mothers place due to pregnancy after that i left abroad when i'm trying to call her she is not lifting my phone when i send my parents to her house she and her mother abuses and do not wants to talk to my parents nor to me i have heard that i got a child but they did not inform me or to anyone about this child my wife only put.. More

  • Some issues about divorce and 'Eelaa'

    I have two questions related to Divorce: 1. The Hanafi school's opinion is that if a divorce is executed via an indirect or implied statement then the nikkah terminates immediately even if this is the first or second divorce. Is this opinion correct? Are scholar's of other school approve this opinion? Why Hanafi's do not allow to unite without a new.. More