Assalam aleikum wa rahmatullah,
I wanted to ask about the stand of Shariaa from a wife that she just got the divorce from her husband, and from from her father, in the following context:
- Her father who let her come back to the house of the man who just divorced her ? as she was under his responsibility after she got divorced ?
Her father.. More
asalmu aleikum.
i am a converty, i have married a muslim through civil marriege (non muslim service), i didnot know all about the islam as i know today' elhamdullilah.
he wanted to get citizenship only and was laughing at me and abussing me savirlly. i have finally had the strength to leave him, but he wouldn't divorce me through the state. now after.. More
i fear to hav children because i am scared of my husband loving my child more than.i was sexually abused by my father when i was a child and was deprived of any parental care and love and feel like that i want some1 to just love me alone.moreover i am also scared that my husband might be drawn to my daughter to make the same mistake my father did.can.. More
ASSALAMUALAIKUM , I am a mother of two,a boy being the eldest and a baby girl .She is two years old.Yesterday she went to sleep without breastfeeding and even didnot demanded throughout the night.My question is that is it legal to continue her feed inspite of a skip of one night in between?Many elderly people around us are of the opinion that its.. More
As-salamu aleikum,
Is there any evidence in the Quran or Sunnah on how to regulate visitation rights after divorce? Does the ex-husband who has kidnapped his little daughters before the right to take them to his home for a whole day every other week with the chance he will kidnap them again? Does the ex-husband who has brainwashed his son against his.. More
Assalamu alaykom i want to know what islam says about my situation?! 4yrs back i became reverted muslim alhamdhulillah,im basically from an hindu family my parents were searching hindu groom for me at time i was disturbed and confused as i dont know how to protect myself..and there my religious firend asked my hand for marriage in the intension to save.. More
I'm married for 10 years and have 4 kids. I work for my parents. Every month my salary is spent on fulfilling home requirments. i am left without a cent for myself. when i complain to husband that my salary is not enough to cover costs, he tells me to ask for a raise from my father. when i am ill, i have to beg him to take me to a doctor which he pospones.. More
Assalamo Alaikom Warahmatullah. First I would like to thank you for your effort and your site Jazakum Allah Khayran. I belong – Wal Hamdu Lellah – to a wealthy Muslim family in Pakistan. I married my cousin 14 years ago, and we are both very committed Muslims WHLL. I have inherited from my father many lands in and out of my country (tea plantations).. More
salam aleikum. i have one question which me and one other sister have been discussing. is it ok to marry ones husbands brother? i have hear that its ok if ones husband dies but my friend say thats its ok even if the husband dont die, that its enough to only be divorced by the husband and after its halal to marry the brother. .. More
AOA, I have been looking for an answer for a long time to this question so I hope you can help me. I have been married to my husband for abt a yr and a half. I few mnths after we got married, I found out that my husband has an illegitimate son. B/c a woman was claiming child support. My husband then told me that he lived with this woman for about 10.. More
I named Faisal Aman Khokhar S/o Aman Ullah Khokhar served a written three time notice of divorce to my wife on date March 07, 2007.
I got married for the 2nd time on date April 28, 2007.
My question is.
1) Does the NIKAH with my 1st wife after serving notice of 3 time divorce remain intact or divorce (TALAAQ) was fully imposed.. More
Bismilah, salam alaikom wa rahmato lah wa barakato
I am interested in getting married with a brother who converted to the islam.He is divorced since 2 years they were married for 4 years, they have a daughter (3 years).His parents and ex wife,daughter are non muslim.His daughter is living with her mother and she doesn't let him see his daughter often.. More
asalaam alaikum, I know one muslim gal who is living with non-muslim guy.(* they married as per indian law in court/registration n which is non valid as per islam) Now she is 5 months pregnant as a result of ZINA. what should be possible solution for this? Gal's parents dont want to leave her like that. They want her to come home with out that guy... More
Assalaamu ‘alaykum, 1.My husband and I have been married for almost 7yrs but 5 yrs living together. Since then we’ve not be blessed with any child. We live in another country where we both don’t have any family just the two of us. We are very fond of and used to each other. But recently, he intends to marry a 2nd wife with the hope that Allah.. More