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5673 fatwas

  • Ruling of burying placenta

    what is the islamic view of burying placenta of a new baby? is it a must to bury it, is it true that whatever we bury will come out as we leave the spot? some people are of the opinion that there is a particular verse of the quran that someone needs to reciete on the placenta before burying it, how true is this? please tell me everything you know about.. More

  • Her husband adopted her two illegitimate daughters

    i have 2 daughters out of zina from a non-muslim, now i am married to a muslim and accepted my 2 daughters and they are using his family name. is these accepted?.. More

  • Her fiancé does not have the means to marry right now

    Assalaam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah Wa Barkartu I'm attend for marriage, for over a year now to a brother who has informed me that he still does not have the means to marry right now. How long should I stay attended to him, I've made istahirka and he is a good brother who fears Allah (swt). Should I practice sabr or move on?.. More

  • Doubtful marriage of a new Muslim woman

    Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatoh, I am writing to you because I have a very important question. It is regarding the marriage without a wali. When I and my husband married 4 years ago, I just converted to islam and knew about it very little. But nowadays I started asking myself a question whether or not I had a wali. I read on More

  • Married a Christian woman who had lost her faith in God

    As-Salamu `alaikum, I am married to a non-Muslim woman in the UK in a register office and we’re now expecting a baby. She was a Christian who used to go to church but stopped because she said priests do things that they ask others not to do. As a result, she said she lost her belief and no longer belief in God. I knew this even before the marriage.. More

  • He divorced his 60 years old wife during his anger

    Assalam alikum Dear Mufti Sahab.. i have one question regarding talaq.. a old man because of his family problems (in anger) said infront of his sister..there is no relation between me and your bhabi.after few hours his wife offered him dinner. He said to his wife i don't want dinner I GAVE YOU TALAQ.. after this he left his house and went to his relatives.... More

  • A husband lying about what he intended by a metaphor of divorce

    Salam Alaikum,one ulama told me if some one utterered words of metaphor and his intention was to divorce his wife and he hide it within him self without telling anybody,then they call him and ask him what did you mean by these words because it's not clear,then if say i did not mean divorce i only use it as a threat,,please my question is, did he commit.. More

  • Changed her last name to cut off ties with her family

    In America a woman is custom to taking her husband's last name but islamically is she allowed to do so? Also I have changed my name once already to be left alone from my crazy family so technically I am not even giving up a family name but rather just a name I adopted. Mostly am I allowed to lie to my future kids about thier family name if I do not.. More

  • Religion of a child of a Muslim mother and a Hindu father

    if any male or female marry with hindu female or male and baby born what is his her religeon of baby.male female not changing religeon before marraige.if after after born of baby can becoming muslim that time how baby embrace islam, pls advise... More

  • Should a husband love his wife more than his children?

    is the husband supposed to love his wife more than his kids.i have read that it is good if children grow up seeing the deep love between their parents,even more intense than the parents love for kids,coz it creates a feeling of security.and also that psychologically a man should love his wife more so that his children could also imbibe the importance.. More

  • His wife works in a mixed Muslim school to contribute to the Muslim community

    ASSALAMU ALAIKKUM WARAHMATHULLAHI WABARAKATHUHU! I am a father of one kid, professionally accountant. I am working in Africa and my family not with me. My wife is a teacher and working in a mixed Muslim school in Sri Lanka. I am not interesting ladies working in mixed school and explained my concern to her. She is not stubborn, according to her, she.. More

  • A married Muslim woman found out that she was born out of wedlock

    I am a 24 year old muslim female, I just found out that I was born out of wedlock (zina). At the time my mother was a non-muslim while my father was a muslim. They married a year after I was born, and my mother later converted. I am concerned because I read that the child of Zina can not be attributed to the man who committed the sin. Does that mean.. More

  • He and his loving wife often quarrel over simple matters

    Assalamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah. Iam having problems with my wife. She Alhamdulillah a loving wife. But Allah' A'lam we quarrel often. I ask her to pray on time ( just 30-40 mins after athan and to recite qur'an. but she says it is not easy for her to do so as she has to take care of our kids (Alhamdulillah Allah bless us with 2 kids 2 years and the.. More

  • Validity of a divorce given ignorantly

    alsalamu allaikum! my question is about divorce. If a man says to his wife" your are divorced" (verbally) one or two times out of anger (not knowing that divorce can be done verbally), is it still counted as a divorce if he honestly does not know? And if it's counted as a divorce, saying it twice at the same time, is that considered to be as verbal.. More

  • Deleted the e-mails of her husband's ex-girlfriend

    I found out that my husband was exchanging e-mails with his ex-girlfiend. I do not want this to ruine my marriage so I deleted the e-mails she sent him. Is this permissible? .. More