During my family conflict with my sister in the absence of my wife I said to my sister "I divorce her" but what I wanted to say to my sister is that "I divorce her then will all your problems be solved?" but due to extreme angerness my breathing was out of control and failed to complete the whole sentence.But I repeated again and said"Well,I divorce.. More
I got married Muslim woman from czech, She have 2 adopted sons. they live in Prague in Her flat beside the adopted father < Her Ex Husband > She asked Me to visit them 2 months ago for One month because the Ex Husband will be not there I agreed ... when she returned back She said that Her Youngest adopted Son 17 Years Old is weak and She need to be.. More
I have three children and love my husband too much though he has bad habits.
My husband while drunk sent me on sms "Anti Taliq forever" . He was drunk at that time . This is the third time . But he insists that he had put the condition that if I travelled on a particular date. But I didn't receive this condition. Neither did he tell.. More
As'Salamu Alykum I am 28 years old male form Karachi, Pakistan, I was born in an Ismaili family and followed the Ismaili Path till the age of 20, now I'm following Sunni path. I want to marry a Sunni girl. I want to know that, will this marriage be valid and lawful? Else, how can I convince her parents about me as my family still hold the Ismaili path?.. More
As Salaamu Alaykum please help me for I am in need of a correct answer. I was married for a year and half i pronounced kula only to find out i was pregant two days later. When i told my ex he said that he would remarry me, but he didnt. He told me that he does not have to do anything for this baby until it is born. Can you please tell me if i have.. More
assalamu aleikum, A sister who has no Muslim mahrams may want to get married in an Islamic country. If the judge is appointed as her wali, he will sign a paper that she can get married, but he will not look after her affairs. Isn't this the point of having a wali? So can she appoint someone other than the judge to be her wali, someone who she could.. More
Assalamu -aliakum .iam a very emotional person .MY husband at times emotionally abuse me shouts at me of no particular reason .like if i say no for sex that is very rare he gets angry and if i talk to him about the problems iam having with him He makes fun of them later on or might angry and shouts at me after this he doesnt want me to cry and be nice.. More
Assalamu alaikum i would be greatful if you could answer my query, about two years ago before me and my husband got married, he committed zina with a women and got her pregnant. Since the child was born my husband has only seen him a few times which caused major problems in our marriage. For this reason i went to a scholar to find out the ruling about.. More
Is it permissable for a Christian wife of a widowed Muslim with children to adopt the children as if they are her own? I have been reading about adoption in Islam and can't see an answer to a situation such as this... More
Assalaamu 'Alaikum!
A brother named his son "Salman Rahman" when he was not that religious. Now he feels that it was inappropriate to name his son like that. The son is now 14 years old. My question is that, is there a sin in naming children like that? And does he NEED to change the name now?.. More
Dear Sir,
Asalamualikum. I am writing you from Bangladesh. I am a lawyer in profesion.
I am in big problem regarding conjugal life. I got married on the 14th January 2009. Before getting married I had Istekhara done by two persons. Results were positive in both istekhara according to the persons who had it done. I did not do any istekhara by myself... More
Assalaamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh,
Did the wives and daughters of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ride their OWN camels and horses alone? The horse and camel were the car of that time....so why are women in Saudi not allowed to drive?.. More
what was the stand for the person who's parent borne him without marriege in the day of qiyama but some people say even he did well as ALLAH command him to do he may not get into jannah?.. More
my question to you is that accepting a talaaq under false prediction does it count?according to my incidents below is it three talaqh's or two?
The incidents that happened are as follows:
1 - We had an argument, I told her that we needed time away and that she should go to her parent’s house. My intension was not to Talaqh her and I did not utter.. More