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5673 fatwas

  • Giving children non-Muslim names coupled with Muslim names

    Can I give my children non Muslim names couple with their Muslim names... More

  • Eating with a non-Mahram woman in the same plate

    Assalam u Alaikum May Allah (SWA) bless you all. I have question regarding eating from the same plate or left out of females (Gair Muharram) while eating or even drinking the same water left out by females? Hope you understand my question.. More

  • Woman going out of her home for Da`wah

    As salamualaykum, Could you please answer my question related to Dawah (calling non-muslims towards Islam). My question is: Is it obligatory on Muslim women to go out of their home for dawah purpose. Can you please explain in detail how muslim women should do dawah (please answer w.r.t married women as well as unmarried women). Please answer this in.. More

  • Ruling on Mut`ah marriage

    Assalamualaikum, First of all, I would like to thank you for responding to questions quickly. Jazkallah khair. My question is regarding mutah marraiage. It is well known that it is prohibited from authentic narrations. But in Shias, it is allowed form of marriage. I dont have any doubt that it is haraam. But can we consider those shias who do it are.. More

  • Married temporarily and wants to renew her marriage contract

    Assalamo Alikom, I converted to islam 3 yrs ago, my family have not imbraced Islam. I became involved with a muslim man. He said he never wants to marry & have children, I said I did. He said for us to do a temporary nikka for awhile as he loved me. He said it is allowed, & later we can divorce & go our separate ways. I knew very little about Islam.. More

  • Said to his wife 'If you woke up after nine you should be divorced'

    my wife is very lazy ...dosnt care even her one year child ...she always sleeeping day isaid to her ; from this day , if you woke up after nine morning ,,you should be divorced.....she only for twenty days did that ,,,then one day she woke after nine 40 ,,,,,is this adivorce case ...having in mind i never meant divorce it self ,,,just reforming.. More

  • Hid something from her husband before he married her

    Assalamualaikum. I have a question about a wife that hides something to her husband and the wife didn't inform the husband until they have got married. The reason why she did that wasbecause she scared that he would cancel the marriage is she tells him before they get marriage. Would this act be considered as one thing that makes the whole marriage.. More

  • A wife delaying sexual intercourse until her wedding is done

    I recently divorced a man who aparently married me only for the green card and we never islamically got married or consimated the marriage ,so I am still a virgin. Now I got married again to another man except Islamically not legally yet (a local Muslim from the board of "shura" from the masjid preformed the nikah without legal papers per MY request).. More

  • Her mother-in-law wants to break up her marriage

    salam! My mother in law had objections on our marraige but still it was arranged, i had to wait 3 years after Nikkah.. for Rukhsati, so that my husband would convince his mother. but she did not agree at any cost and was persistant to divorce me. situation got worst, as i had aslo pressure form my family, but i did not leave my husband and remained.. More

  • Her one-year-old daughter cries a lot and hardly sleeps at night

    Asalamualaikum sister/brother, I have a child who is turning one year next week. Ever since she was born she never had proper sleep in the night. Instead she cries out a lot and becomes boystous when it is time to sleep, And often goes to sleep by 0400 am in the morning. I have tried and tried my best to get her in track but is just never happens. Now.. More

  • Her husband is short tempered and does not like her food

    Igot childeren from my previouse marriage, and my new husband he gets verry quickly angry, i used to reply him ,but since my mum told me when he is angry or shouts just keep quite and dont talk to him, everytime i do the same sometimes i dont talk to him nearly week and he doesnt talk , am i wrong what am doing. he gets quick angry to the childeren.. More

  • A foster-mother's husband is a suckling foster-father

    Assalam alaikum Respected Scholar, I would like to ask about adoption. Me and my husband would like to adopt a child under the age of 2. I know that if I breastfeed him/her I become the milk Mother, so relative to the child. How about my husband? Would he become relative as well? Also is there any specific lenght of lactation required in order to.. More

  • Why the illegitimate child is not traced back to the adulterer

    ASA, my question is about children that are born outside of marriage with a non muslim partner. it chocks me to read your advice that the (innocent) child is seen as a bastard (although one of the parents is Muslim) and the muslim parent should stay away from it. Shouldnt it be a incentive for the muslim parent who made a grave sin, to repent and try.. More

  • Hastening marriage is of greater benefit than studies

    Assalamialaikum, my daughter has received a marriage proposal and has accepted. we as the parents would prefer that a nikaah takes place immeiately so as that there is no haraam interaction. the boy's parents however would like the nikaah to take place within the next year or so as they believe he is studying and this would impact his studies. both.. More

  • Her husband wants to reconcile although he took back his dowry and gifts

    Aslam-O-Alikum I have few questions on Kulah (Divorce Claimed by Wife). • When wife retuned all dowry or gifts back to husband & but husband still not given her divorce & and wants her to continue the relation and reconcile everything. What is the Islamic ruling on that either husband libel to divorce her or can do reconcile. • If she ready.. More