As its said in a hadith we should keep our children names by looking at meaning.I sthere something with letters too.I mean here when my baby had falllen sick every one was like shez got the sh-souind in her name thats y shez fallen sick though she was fine till the age of 5 months.Her name was mean torch.My main question is that is there.. More
Can a person take second wife if his first wife agrees to it without informing parents & families of either of the two (husband & wife). The second marriage is for the sake of Allah (swt) and not out of lust. The intention is to marry a divorcee... More
I wanted to know if divorce has occured in my situation. Once my husband and I were arguing on the phone and we both were insanely angry I said you are not my husband and he said you are not my wife. The second time he threaten to leave, meaning walk out of the house for awhile and I said if you are leaving then divorce me and then go, he then said,.. More
i have heared several time that if u do some thing which is wrong(either big or small sin) in ISLAM.. your life partner had also commited that sin what you did..
for example.
if a girl had a relationship with a person n did not got married with that boy, n she kissed that boy, so his husband also had a relationship before marriage.. More
Assalamualikum, my friend is non muslim, in past for a job i had guided him and today by the grace of God he is doing too good. Now he wants to help me financially he wants too invest some amount every month in mutual fund and at the end of the maturity he will give the principal amount to me and he will take what ever interest has generated. this will.. More
salam. my eldest sister died in earth quake in 2005. at that time her son was 5 years old. at that time of grief my brother in law(B-I-L, my dead sister's husband) stayed at our home for a year time because of his son. our nephew is very close to my younger sister, so my B-I-L decided to keep him with us, secondly his own house was all destroyed in.. More
salam please help me on that .my son name is hadi jatala and my friend told me that we can not call him hadi as its from ALLAH names and please tell us is it ok for us to call him as just hadi as thats his full name hadi jatala thanks as you made very clear for some body they asked you for name kareem and you said its ok to call him kareem thanks.. More
5 years ago I married a friend that I loved because he needed a green card , (I thought I could get him to love me ) but he was always so busy we never lived together and he wants a divorce but I still love him and need a religious reason To stay there one?
Also we have never had sex and we never married ina masjid just legally. .. More
Im a married muslim,age 23. we got married almost 2yrs husband is also a muslim.. During past 2 yrs i have come to know my husband is really irresponsible..he takes the easy way out.. we r both studying in abroad away from my family n husbands priority are internet,footabll, friends & swimming..even when i want.. More
alsalmualikm i been married for 11 years i am27 years i have 3 kids we live in america my husband so hard but we are a happy family we been under a lot of financial presure when my husband angru he lose his mind he is 41 years old it was so hard for me to understand him once he is much older at the beging of our marriage he used to say talak.. More
Alhamdulillah we have been a happy couple for 12 years.A while ago his behavior changed.He started seeking friendship and flirting outside marriage.When I asked if he wants to take a second wife,he said no.First he denied having any contacts with other women.Then he was sorry and told me he will stop doing it.after some time he was doing it again and.. More
assalamun aleykum , my question is i am married women from last 15 yrs but i dont have any children,my husband show me many doctor and i have done many test for preagnancy but doctor always tell me that i am ok i dont have any problem,3 to 4 doctor show the problem to my husband but my husband did not accept that he has problem,and he is not taking.. More
Assalamu aleikum! I am a student from Kazakhstan. I entered University of Malaysia. Although I had read hadeeth narrated by Bukhari that it isn't permissable to travel without mahram, I didn't realize importance of this prohibition. I just read this without understanding. I didn't know that it is haram without any exception (because it isn’t necessary.. More
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuhu,
I have an issue with my husband. I am myself new converted, makes 8 years now, alhamdullah. We have 2 boys, 6 and 3 years old. I have done all possible, taht kids know how to pray, know Quran (oldest son knows allready 4 Surat from Quran and reads every evening before sleeping Ruqia). My husband I not.. More
as salaamu alaykum respected scholars. During my recent trip this is Muslim country a question arose concerning the waiting period between the first and second marriage. My friend was in the mode of signing a marraige contract with his fiancee, when he noticed another girl that appealed to him. After the contract was signed and the marraige ceremony.. More