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5673 fatwas

  • Her husband divorced her one week after her miscarriage

    assalam,I live in uk and got married in India and came back alone due to visa restrictions and after coming back i found that i was pregnant.when i was 11 weeks pregnent i had miscarriage and one week later my husband divorced me. what i want to know is what will be my iddah period and i heard from some friends it will be 3 cycles but i have polysystic.. More

  • Her abusive husband preferred his relatives over her and his children

    asallamolaikum, i was a new revert at the time i got married. when i got married my husband was an illegal here in the states. i was never given a dowry. not even offered one. i was never given a wedding, honeymoon, when we married it was in city hall. i also didnt have a maharam (guardien). when i married my husband i later found out that he was.. More

  • Married the wife of his deceased nephew

    My friend's husband entered into a friendly relations with his nephew's wife, who also happened to be her husband's distant cousin. Inspite of both, my friend's husband and his nephews wife being married, they had a love affair. As soon as the nephew of my friend's husband died, the husband married this woman who was his nephew's wife and also his distant.. More

  • Her husband refuses to have sex with her

    Assalm-o-elikum, Dear sir, this is the fourth time I am asking this question. Unfortunately I have not got a reply. I am married since 14 years. My husband does not want to have sex with me. If I touch him or try to be intimate with him , he rejects me. This is causing me a great distress. We have a son who is 10. He keeps away from me for 2 or 3 years.. More

  • Ruling on having witnesses when divorcing

    Then, when they have reached their term, take them back in kindness or part from them in kindness, and call to witness two just men among you, and keep your testimony upright for Allah. Whoso believeth in Allah and the Last Day is exhorted to act thus. And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him. - Al-Quran [65:2] I.. More

  • Husband is the leader of his family

    who is the leader of a family, the wife or the husband? who should a wife lessons about financial and other family affairs management, as to where to live and how to live? her father or her rightful husband? when would it be ligitimate a wife to refuse/deny to have a sexual intercourse with her rightful husband? can a wife use her earnings any way she.. More

  • Meaning of 'Tafseela'

    assalaamu alaikum! can you please tell me the meaning of the word "thafseela" in quran???? does it have any meaning in arabic???? i want to know the meaning of my name!.. More

  • His wife attends a self-defence course without his permission

    Al Salam Allikom, I am a Muslim Arab who is living in a Foreign country, i was happily married to a non-Arab Muslim, until recently where my wife got attacked by a man, but al hamdullah nothing serious happen and he ran away, however after this incident my wife refuses to touch me or be intimate with me, and i totally understand because of the shock.. More

  • Her parents forbid her from traveling to join her husband

    Here it goes, I was married in Nov 06. Right now my husband and I are not together, still married though. When we had gotten married it was against parents wishes, to make that part of the story short my family forgave us and everything was ok, for the time being, but soon after our marriage things began to fall apart, see I got pregnant and my.. More

  • Wants to employ a woman in his shop

    Assalamu a’laikoum I have a hardware and electrical retail shop in Mauritius. I wanted to know if a woman can work in the shop.personally, my wife does not work in the shop.but, my question is for these women who need to work for their living. And if it not permissible for a muslim woman , can I employ a non-muslim woman?(woman is more available.more.. More

  • His fiancée confessed to him that she is not virgin

    My Fiancee was not viring she told me , i did Nikkah with her, No Rukahsit yet. But now this thing pinches me that she is not virign.she told me before Nikkah, but now this thing matter for me. i always quarrle with her and she always beg not to leave her. what should i do , live with her or leave her.?.. More

  • Be careful about the devil's whispers about divorce

    Salaam alay kum, I have a few questions related to divorce. Can you please tell me if any kind of divorce will take place in scenarios defined below: 1. I was having discussion with my wife regarding a possible divorce in future. I did not use the word 'Divorce' and just said that "We can try to see if things work lets say for 6 months or 1 year and.. More

  • Her husband wants to harm her financially and marry another wife

    Assalamu Alaykum, I am a pious Muslim woman of age 38 years. My husband and I have been married for 18 years and have 2 children. My husband put himself on a Muslim Matrimonial website and has been chatting with several women & promising them marriage. He sends his picture & they send him theirs. He also chats with them with web camera. I have told.. More

  • Meaning of the name 'Dujana'

    Can I name my baby boy Only Dujana, kindly answer my question. And also meaning of the name... More

  • Wants to foster her dead sister's son against his father's will

    Assalamo Alaikum. My question relates to the upbringing of my nephew who is my sisters child. In October my sister passed away, her wish was that I look after her child, my sisters husband is aware of this. I was told that in islam in these circumstances the best people to look after the child is the maternal aunt or the maternal grandmother, can.. More