asalaam-alykum..., im worried & tenced & need some awnsers please, wife and me are married 6 years now...,we have 2 children, boy and girl,.. my wife had affair with my brothers son from past 3 years..., I had a doubt from 2 years but since it was a doubt i kept silent.., one day i cought them in my house when i came to say asr salat,..once this.. More
Assalamoalikum wa Rahmatullah, Is it permissible to wear a bit of makeup, (concealer, and comapct powder) to cover up a few pimples or small light red marks that past pimples have left n my face? I wear hiab Alhamdulillah, but not niqab, which my dad doesn't allow me to wear unfortunately..Please make du'aa that I start wearing niqab as well sincerely.. More
Dear Sir, My American Muslim wife sent an email to the Center for Islamic Counseling and guidance in Atlanta USA asking for Khula divorce. They wrote in the Khula Divorce Certificate ((We received a phone call then an email from Deborah A. Middleton requesting khula from her husband Dr. Hesham Regab)). 1.Can any a wife get Khula divorce through an email.. More
Assalam-o-Alaikum Wa Rehmat-ul-Allah. Me and my wife are working in different countries and we often fight over some issues which I consider haram in Islam. One of the issues is: Whenever she goes out with her female friends (non Muslims) for dinner in a restaurant or their homes, she returns home very late, like 10 or 11 in the night, and sometimes.. More
ASLAAM ALIKUM my husband beat me up because he wanted money from me so i left him for 5 weeks and returned in feb(i was stayin in a bnb),he doesnt work,we were having an argument over money again and he told me that he has another women who he is going to marry,im the 2nd of his 2 wives,he told me that he has met up with her a few times and is waiting.. More
As salaam alekom wa rahmatuAllah wa berakatu. I am a reverted muslima for 4 months now. I am also divorced, and i have one daughter who is 14. She hasn't accepted Islam yet, even though I teach her it, and it's principles. I am finding it very hard to sometimes deal with her, and her unacceptance. I want her to wear hijaab, but she refuses, except when.. More
My husband pretends to be a good Muslim. We both teach at a Muslim school. I work hard and honestly, every day doing my best, every day questioning myself in the evening if I have done my best and if I have done the right thing by my students.
I cannot explain how terribly painful it is to live with a hypocrite. Though my husband can teach well,.. More
Is is haram for the bride and groom to enter the wedding gathering together, even if the hall is segregated with only women (wearing full hijab)?. The groom does not normally stay long because he has to leave so he can attend his own wedding gathering, he only comes in with the bride so that other people can see him and then leaves? This.. More
i did vey bad thing i had sex with agirl and she slept with another in same week then she get pegnant ,then i married her after 5 month,(before ihad sex with her i asked her if she want to marry me ,i knew that it was playing with religion )now i dont know if the baby is mine or not and i dont know what to do its the biggest mistake in my life plus.. More
salam,I want to you ask you it haram to touch a gay by greeting or sharing food etc?a friend of mine told me it is haram, a gay came to our store sake our hands if it is what we must do to repent to Allah sw,salam .. More
As-Salamu Alaikum,
I am a 15 year old muslim sister and I live with my kaffir mother and her boyfriend. I wear niqaab so when I'm in the house I do the same because he is not a mahram for me. However, there have been difficulties in this because I may be coming out of my bedroom and I think he is downstairs but he is really coming out from his room.. More
Salaam Alaikum,
I have a 5 year old daughter alhamdullilah... she has some symptoms if you could please help to diagnose her.
very bad breath in her mouth hunger lazy She also steals and lies too.
Jazak'Allah khair.. More
I had decided to convert a non-muslim female & marry her. she already have 2 children (5 & 3 yrs) from her non muslim husband. My question is : Does the children who are staying with there mother also need to convert now? I know that they are now not able to take any decision now due to their age. The childrens father does call and plans to visit them.. More
After 12 years of marriage my husband and I got divorced. Many factors lead to this decision one of which was the issue of his fertility treatment in which he was never interested. I am back in UK now. Its been 5 years. I have a decent job and I can support myself. I tried to get married again but maybe due to my age I am finding it hard to find a partner... More
my name is omar qadeer from Pakistan.
my father divorced my mother when i was about 02 years old, he lives in USA and i with my mother in Pakistan.
some time back i was contacted by a girl who has my father's contact number and his photos too, she lives in Dubai and a working woman.
she claims that i am he half-brother as her.. More