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5673 fatwas

  • A parent reminding his children of his favour upon them

    Sometimes in reprimanding my children I reminded all the favors and sacrifices that I had made for them. Is ok in syariah to do so?.. More

  • Going out during her mourning period to get photos necessary for Hajj

    Salamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah......Praise be to Allah...... My dad was decided to go hajj next year with mom but as i said that he died just before few days, i want to ask that can my mom take pic for passport now or she have to wait for 4 months 10 days? She decided to go next year for hajj with my elder brother, can she take pic now or not? please.. More

  • Making fake divorce to bring his second wife to live with him

    I have two wives, one of whom lives back home and the other lives with me here, and the only way to bring her here is by pretending to divorce my first wife here, I was wondering if I went through a fake divorce with my first wife here to bring my second wife over. Would my fake divorce be considered as a real divorce in Islam? .. More

  • His wife does not want to live with him

    Asalam alaikum, I am married person and my wife doesnt want to live with me since last 2 years, i have tried my best but her behave is like she is asking for divorce, i have tried for intercource but no results mean she is not even agreed that i should touch her, she has said that i should marry someone else and free her, once she hae clearly said in.. More

  • Don’t marry him unless you are sure he will not sell intoxicants

    dear scholars, asalamu in a huge delimma and i hope u can tell/advice me on what to do..most of my family here in the west are working in liquor uncles, granpas (from mom side), my dad, its everyone i know..i want out of this...i have tried so hard to advice my dad and mom also tried with her brothers and her dad but no More

  • Marrying a non-Muslim woman to help her keep her chastity

    Aslamo Alaiykum, I m a 26yr old Muslim in UAE, i m engaged with close cousin in Pakistan 5years past,i m in UAE since 2yrs Plus ,i found a christian lady married with a hindu on the witness of a Fake document ( Hindu had a wife in India & He make her Death Certificate document to marry this Christian Lady, they had been seperated from a time, when.. More

  • Mahr as a condition of valid marriage

    Assalamu Aalykum 1. Is is obligatory to pay the full Mahr before meeting the wife? Can One make promise to pay it later on? And pay it partially? 2. In our society there is a tradition of asking wife to forgive Mahr, is it okai according to the sharia? 3. Some Scholar says no need to follow any school of Mazhab, one only has to follow the Quraan and.. More

  • Her father refuses to marry her off to a good man due to his nationality

    Assalamualaikum,Dear brother ,my questions are as fallows. 1.I have a proposal from a man who is very good,pious and i know him very well,he also talked to my dad many times,but my dad is refusing coz he is of different nationality,so is it ok if i dont put efforts to convince my dad and just keep quite without doing any and i leave every thing on allah,?.. More

  • Marriage contract takes effect once its conditions are fulfilled

    I recently went overseas to get married since I was engaged before going over the phone. It was my first time meeting him and after I did, I didn't like him so I didn't want to marry him. My family pressured me saying that this was the man for me but my mother said just go along with things until we return back to the USA so they don't hurt our family.. More

  • A non-Mahram seeing the photo of a woman when she was a child

    Assalaamu alaikum, A sister is asking the following question, "what is the ruling on a non-mahram seeing pics of you without hijab when you were younger? Say for example pre-pubescent early teen years and below, all the way to 4-5 years of age. Some of the nearer pics give an indication of what you look like w/o hijab presently, so what is the ruling?".. More

  • Works with alien men who commit prohibitions and practice innovations

    SALAM,my question is that,if a woman doesnt go to jumah to pray,is it compulsory for her to delay her prayer until the jumuah prayer has been performed or can she pray after the adhan with intention that she is praying dhur. can a woman recite loudly in salat alone or with her fellow sisters? it is acceptable to say SUBHANA RABIYYAL AZEEM OR RABIYYAL.. More

  • Rights of step-children

    I am about to marry a divorced girl, she has already 2 children and they will InshaAllaah live with me. What are my duties and what rights they have from me? Secondly, when divorce has taken place, it was decided that she will never ask for maintainence of kids, so what rights kids have from their father? Thank you... More

  • Wife called to Islamic teachings and guidelines

    My wife is religious, but she does not totally adhere to the Islamic teachings. I do not want to force her. What should I do? Please, support the answer with some Hadeeths and Quranic verses. .. More

  • Marriage conducted under the effect of magic

    What is the ruling of a marriage that was concludedby means of magic?.. More

  • Having more than one name

    Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah One of my friend saying that we cant keep two names bcoz he is saying if i have two names example sameer & Zameer & on the day of judgement ALmighty Allah will call me for account by name sameer & then again he will call me by zameer etc...he is saying that two names are not allowed in islam.Is this true?.. More