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5673 fatwas

  • Rules of having a maid in one's house

    Assalaamu'alakum I have intention to employ a female muslim maid from a different country. Is it ok for her to travel to my country without her mahram? Is it ok for her to stay in my house with my family and she has no mahram with her? Sometimes my wife is not at home and I and my children are left with the maid, is it ok? How about if I am left.. More

  • Married a non-Muslim American to gain legal status and then she embraced Islam

    Assalamu alejkum, In order to get legal status in the USA I have married to an American man. I pay him money for that and never had any intimate relationships with him, and I live far away from him. I converted to Islam half year after this marriage. So our marriage had nothing to do with Islam because I was not Muslim and my “husband” was and is.. More

  • Turning off the lights during intercourse

    salaam i have 2 question 1. I have heard that it is sunnah to turn of the lights and should be dark room during intercourse is it soo. are there any hadith which tells to turn off the light. 2. does mouth to mouth kissing breaks the fast. is passionate kissing allowed during day time?.. More

  • Eemaan as a girl's name

    As salaamu alaikum..... I am confused. Is it makrooh to name a girl Iman/Eman? I thought Iman meant Faith in Islam.... What is wrong with this name? Thank you. Fi aman Allah Iman .. More

  • Has uncertain feelings about a man who wants to marry her

    I knew a man before 3 years abroad, when I went to make a language course. Since I met him, he wants me to marry. But I've never been sure of him. Also because of the fact, that he is an Arab and me I am turkish. We are totally different in our personalities, f.e. he likes spending money a lot, and me I'm more attentive. Should one be more similar.. More

  • Birth control to educate one's children properly

    Some of my friends asking questions regarding birth control in Islam. I answered that with out valid reason it is not allowed. Due to my lack of knowledge I could not satisfy them. Please help me for the question below: A poor family (husband & wife) does not have health problem but has financial problem like income is so less, cannot maintain.. More

  • Wants to marry a man who is still a student but her father refuses

    Asalam alaikum,I am a girl living in a western country,I met a very religious person wal hamd le allah,he asked me for marriage and he meet my parents ,my parents liked him al hamd le allah,but the problem is that he is still a student,and me too ,it has been now almost nine months that we know each other,al hamd le allah we had done nothing haram.. More

  • Bridal money of a wife who refuses to stay with her husband

    if the wife refuse to stay with her husband did she have any right to have a mahri... More

  • His wife prevents him from seeing his daughter

    my wife has taken away my daughter and due to her own interest not returning she has gone to court and not allowing me to meet my daughter.there is no divorce between us.WHAT ISLAM SAY ABOUT SUCH ACT and any guideline u may like to give me....that what should i do now.. More

  • His girlfriend still wants to marry him although he married another woman

    As Salam alaikum..A big sin happen with me b4 my marriage with my girl friend i kiss her hug every private part of my girl friend she love me alot suddenly i got marriage with another girl almost 2 yrs our love affair runs...when i was in india i ask her forgive ness she forgive me but my heart is not accept what i did for her still she is unmarried.. More

  • Woman wearing Jilbaab or Abaayah

    I have question about dressing modestly. A lady in our community who gives us dars, insists that our hijab is not complete without wearing a jilbab or abaya. She says that in the Quran it says that we must wear jilbab or abaya like covering over our clothes. Many of us feel that as long as our clothes are not revealing and do not show the our body.. More

  • Consummating marriage in Ramadan

    Thanks so much for all you are doing. I need to know something urgently. Is it allowed in Islam to have Nikaah in Ramadhaan?.. More

  • Burying the newborn baby's hair and umbilical cord

    According to sunnah where to keep/throw shaved hairs of new born baby which is done on 7th day. Also, let me know how to dispose dried departed navel portion of the new born baby?Are those things allowed to burry in the earth?.. More

  • His wife listens to music, plucks her eyebrows and wears pants

    Asalamu aliekum, Jazakum Allahu Khairan for you efforts, I have a question. one brother is married to and his wife came from a muslim but not religous family. during thier wedding they had music and mixing and husband regrets this and ask Allah for forggiveness. The wife prays 5 times a day, fast Ramadan, but she wear pants, take from her eyebrows.. More

  • Married his wife without the consent of her guardian

    assalamalaikum, my elder brother recently got married and lving with her wife now.before getting married,they were always meeting up at different places secretly.So the girls parents came to know this boy (my bro).so they decided to marry her to another boy as soon as possible.So she came to her house and got married without her parents permission.But.. More