Happily married with 2 children. My Wif'e parents died 5 years ago. Wife's sister, 30years old and not married, is very good to my children and treats them like her own. and she preferes living with us instead of living with her brother and his wife. She has no other family in the country we live in. She prefers being with us instead of getting married.. More
I was told by one of my friend that in order have sexually intercourse with your wife you must inform her early in the morning so she will be prepared for it , is there is any hadit realting to this fact that it is must that you inform your wife, please Explain in details .. More
Dear Scholar, Assalamu Alaykum. I am seeking answers for the following questions:
1) As I know, a Muslim woman’s ‘Awrah in front of other Muslim women is from the navel to the knee, just as it is for a man in front of another man. So, it is permitted to see the area above the navel and below the knee of a man. Similarly, is it permitted.. More
due to family indifferences my ex husband gave me divorce.but i still love him.we don't have any contact.i pray to god to send him back in my life as husband.is my prayer right or not?.. More
Dear Grand Imam Would you kindly please take a moment to have a precise glance on my issue, a very serious one, which I am suffering from last three months? Dear Grand Imam, I am 23 years old Afghan woman, married to my cousin three years ago, we have two children as well, but, I have an Aunt she is quite a bad woman through out her life and she had.. More
I live in pakistan. I married last year (09-11-2005). Everything was normal upto 20th of April-2006. I was at factory where i am doing job. I called my wife at 7.45 pm, we talked more than 5 minutes. everything was normal. After 40 minutes i received her call and she informed me that her father came from other city and she is going to her sister house... More
Are there any rulings regarding the animals sacrificed for aqeeqa ceremony? Do the goats or sheep have to be below one year of age (heard from someone). Please let me know what the rulings are regarding the choice of animals for aqeeqa. I know that it is recommended 2 for a boy and 1 for a girl. Please let me know if the age or type of animals matter... More
A women who has taken khula, she decideds to marry again to the same person (her perious husband) after about 6months. Does she require the permission of her parents(Wali), if her parents are not agreeing or consent the marriage, will such Nikha be valid. my second question is : Do a consent of an wali is must for any marriage or if their are any exceptions.. More
I have been married for the past 10 years to the son of an extremely wealthy businessman (my father-in-law also happens to be an Ameer of our local Grand mosque). The problem is, we still are living with my parents, my parents are also well to do but they are wanting us to go to our own place as its been sometime now, further I got 2 schooling kids... More
respected scholar, i was reading your previous fatwa (as it hepls me to know more about islam) u qouted a hadith which is written below. it was stated in the fatwa that the following hadith is not authentic can u please tell me the reason why is it not authentic and who were the authorities who classed it unauthentic "If anyone of you has sexual intercourse.. More
Salaam brothers, I have two quick questions in relation to divorce in Islam. 1. If a man pronounces third divorce on a woman who has been divorced twice previously and her second divorce iddah period is ALREADY expired (so she is no longer his wife as he did not take her back within iddah) than is this third divorce pronouncement counted against him.. More