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5673 fatwas

  • Her husband speaks badly about her family

    My husband does not like my family, I do well with his family, but he forbids my family from visiting me, they do not approach him, and they are in another country. Now my concern, is that everytime we have a fight, he begins talking badly about my family and insults them badly to the point i feel hating him, even though the subject of the fight.. More

  • Wants to marry two wives

    Salem Alikom, I want to know is it allowed for me to marry two wives? I want to have 2 wives one that is an arab lady and the other one is a japanese lady. My mother will not allow me to marry two ladies and she doesnt like japanese people for some reason. What is your fawta concerning this. The reason why i want to marry two wives is because.. More

  • Inviting people to marriage ceremony by greeting cards

    Is it Permissable in Islam to Invite all the People by Greeting Cards in Marriage Ceremony (Hafal Zujaj)... More

  • Impregnated his maid and can not marry her

    Dear Ustad, I am 25 year old guy.I had a maid named Istiqama and she was really good in her work.We fell in love with each other.One day at around 3am she was sleeping with me and i just could not control myself.She told me yesterday that she was pregnant.Meanwhile my parents have arranged my marriage to an indian girl.I am very saddened by this and.. More

  • Marriage without authentication or announcement

    assalamu alaykum, i am working in a gulf country and i am from another country, i am 29 years old i met a man he went ask my hand to my father with 2 witnesses and he presented a gift. this man work in the military and they didnt give us approval to make a marriage contract in his country because they want him to marry only women of his own country... More

  • Divorcee travelling to her Muslim country with her fostered child

    Assalamuailaykum wrwb,I came to a country to marry and got divorced after couple of years, alhamdulilah Allah gave me a son from it. But now the country will not renew my visa to keep staying in the country since I am divorced and my ex husband is saying that I can´t take his child from him and that I should go back on my own, if I do he will never.. More

  • Meaning of the names Mahreen, Haneen and Sansabeel

    i would like to know the meaning of the names mehreen, haneen and sansabeel. can i give one of these names to my daughter. which one do u think is better islamically... More

  • Embraced Islam and wants to marry his previous girlfriend

    I was in a relationship with a woman for 3 years and during the Ramadhaan Allaah guided in Islam and I wanted to marry my girlfriend with Islamic rules, but we didn't find a solution and she left me, and according to my knowledge she is dating with someone else. My question is if she wants go get back to me should I accept and what should I do if.. More

  • Woman wearing Niqaab

    Asslamuu' Aliykum brothers my question is i want to wear niqaab and before i wear it i want to know the niqaab rules and i heard once u wear it u can't take it off is that true? advice plzz. .. More

  • Eating from Aqeeqah's meat

    after aqeeqah is done can we keep some amount of meat with us... More

  • Reconciling is better

    if a husband do sincere tauba to ALLAH and appologize to his wife for all his mistakes regarding matrimonial life i.e. sometime beated and use abuse language, after that is her kidness to reconcile and giving last chance to husband for childrens sake or still demanding for divorce. What is the islamic way she will take wheter forgiving him and start.. More

  • Waiting period of a woman who reverted to Islam

    If a non-muslim woman married but seperated to a non-muslim man by the laws of their previous faith and nation converts to islam and wants to remarry a muslim man who may have proposed in advance of her conversion wants to marry what is the iddah period. If you say one month please give the reason for this, if she is not coming from the home or land.. More

  • Wife sitting in the same room with her husband and his guests

    with refrence to fatwa 90900 i further like to clearify that i have read in books that our prophet PBUH have visited an sahabi home along with some companions and the wife of that sahabi had serve dinner to them , and i also read many times that a wife can sit with husband and serve husband guests , so my point is that why can't the wives sit.. More

  • His wife treats him badly and insists on divorce

    assalamu alaykom.first sorry to write in english but i hope you answer my questions before it is too late.i live in the usa and i married a muslim hispanic lady 5 years ago.she was a divorced with 1 kid.before marriage it happened that i made zina with her,then i married her in a mosque according to shariah.everything was ok until we got a girl .she.. More

  • Spoiling the relationship between a wife and her husband

    I have fallen in love with a girl and she too loves me. I know this is sinful but now it is too late as our feelings for each other are very deep. We wish to get married but her parents forced her to marry someone else and for her familys sake she complied. She wants out of the marrage but it is impossible for her to get a divorce as a her family.. More