asslam alikum. my husabnd takes loans from the bank with intersts , I keep telling him that this is haram and I don't like you to do it, but he says no it not and keep on doing it, my question is will I punished from Allah because I'm living with him, and do You advice me to ask him for divorce. I am also working and try not to use his money becasue.. More
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the World; and may His blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and upon all his Family and Companions. Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh I got married three years back in India and got divorced after 9 months of my marriage. It was a arranged marriage, after.. More
If a husband asks his wife to stop working outside house, as he fulfills all her needs basic as well as extra, (even her work is done by house maid). Moreover, he told his wife before marriage that he might stop her to work whenever he wants. Her excuse is that she works in prada (Hijaab) and she is a doctor, and Istakharah fovours her job... More
Assalamu Alaikum, my father in law wants to kiss me, but he even touches the breasts and the sharamgha,(with my cloth), when i am alone at home, if i never allowed him to do, he spreads false propaganda about my husband to everyone else in the home like my husband's brothers and sisters and their in laws. and they think, that my husband not responding.. More
Dear scholar, Assamualaikum, i'm a student who learned a beverage subject at a university, there i learned the type of alcoholic drink and how to produced it. I also will make a visit to alcoholic drink factory. Is it permissible for me to learn it and visit the factory?.. More
Asslemu alaikum wa rahamtullahi wa baraketuhu, I´m a sister living in Germany. I became Muslima 4 years ago alhamdulillah and I decided quite early to wear niqab while I didn´t more feel good out showing my face. Nowdays I still wear it but I take it off when my parents (they are not muslim and live abroad) come here to visit us while they accepted.. More
I have been married for 14 years now & do not have any children. My marriage was arranged by my parents & my only brother & only sister. My father passed away & my mother is living and old. Before my father passed away, he transferred his only property in my mother’s name which, my mother divided it among the three of us and kept nothing.. More
Masterbation by one's spouse's hand is permitted in Islam. My question is that is it permissible to use a sex toy like an artificial mouth or vigina for a wife to masterbate her husband and to use a dildo for a husband to masterbate his wife... More
Assalamu Alaikum Mufti Saheb, please help me. Am very troubled and need your urgent attention and guidance. Last year in April 2005, during argument with my wife I said to her "Am divorcing you; and I have given you talaaq." I went out of the house and later phoned her. She said to come home. I said: "Am not coming home. Its over, its finished (meaning.. More
Salaam alay kum, Thank you very much for answering my question about divorce recently. I have one more question and was hoping you can please answer this: While discussing the marital problems with one's wife (while not having any intention of issuing a divorce whatsoever) a man says to his wife words like "we have to stop fighting and solve our problems... More
I had taken a oath to refrain from sex in menstruation and if i do my wife will be divorced , later on i was unable to control but before doing sex i took my oath back (divorce) and then had sex , i thought since i applied the condition on myself and before happening of that condition i can take back , later on some Fuqaha in pakistan say that condition.. More
As-salaam o alay kum wa rahmat Allah, I recently read about implied divorce in Islam. I needed to clarify that will this be counted as an implied divorce if a person X made an implied statement to his wife such as "go to your parents" or "get out of my life" while he was angry and at the time of making that statement his intention was that he will divorce.. More
I am a 18 year old student and am best friends with a girl of the Muslim faith.She is a penfriend and over the years has told me much about her religion and her customs.Though I am not Muslim, I am very interested in the concept of hijab, not just as items of clothing but also because I believe in modesty and respect for all women. I know from her.. More
Respected All Assalam-o-Alaikum God bless you all as you are making great efforts to bring real Islam in people lives. I have a question to ask you. I did marriage with my cousin 2 ½ years ago. My grand mother adopted my wife when her age was 6 or 8 months due to separation between her parents. Now somebody told us that my grand mother breastfed her.. More
Dear Brothers, I have read your fatwas on birth control but I am still confused about my action whether it is halal or haram. I already have 8 children and my wife and I are already more than 45 years old . Now everytime we make sexual intercourse, I use a condom to prevent pregnancy. We decided to this on our own withouth consultanting any trustworthy.. More