Is it permissible to marry a deflowered woman who pretends that she is not married, while it is probable that she is saying the truth without investigating the matter based on the rule which says that a woman is truthful in what she says about herself (as she knows more about herself), or is it an obligation to carry out an investigation? Does the.. More
What shall I do? My sister says that the husband of my second sister makes improper advances to her, while my second sister (his wife) denies it. The situation is difficult, they appointed me as a judge between them but I do not notice any improper conduct from my brother in-law. In addition to this, my second sister never lied since her childhood... More
A young man proposed to marry me and he is younger than me, I know that this is not forbidden, but my question is: Is it permissible for me to marry the son of the sister of my ex-husband who divorced me? .. More
My uncle does not perform the peayer, is he still considered a Muslim and is it permissible to be in seclusion with him and shake hands with him? .. More
I had sexual intercourse with my wife while believing that her menses stopped but after intercourse I discovered that she is not yet pure, do I have to expiate for this?.. More
What is the ruling of a wife travelling alone to spend her annual vacation? And what is the ruling of her spending the night in her paternal aunt’s home because of the death of her [aunt’s] father and illness of her mother, taking into consideration that the son of her aunt is married to her sister and lives with his parent? .. More
I am married with a woman who was brought up in a catholic environment and I am endeavouring to turn her into a Muslim, Allaah willing. The problem is that before I married her, she used to live with a person and after we married for a while, that person claimed that he has a paper which proves that he is married to her in Morocco in 1989. However,.. More
What is the ruling on a marriage registrar saying: "According to the Book of Allaah and the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam.", when writing the marriage contract? .. More