Um Firaas is a widow, she has a boy whose name is Firaas and a girl whose name is Farah; She married Maahir. The question: What is the relationship of the father of Maahir and his mother with regard to Faraas and Farah, are they like grandfather and grandmother because Maahir is the husband of their mother?.. More
I noticed that you make a difference between the man and the woman in marriage as you issued a Fatwa on withdrawing the guardianship of the guardian who refuses to marry off a woman to a man whose religion and moral conduct are pleasing, whereas the man is obliged to obey his parents if they refuse him to marry a woman whose religion and moral conduct.. More
What is the religious ruling on an Imaam who delivered the Friday speech on polygamy, and at the end of the speech, he asked a covenant from the Muslims to come the next Friday having married a second wife? .. More
My husband married a second wife. When he married, as is the custom, he bought many clothes, gold and gifts for the second wife, is he obliged to gift for me the same in order for him to be just between his two wives?.. More
Before travelling to America, my brother got engaged with his cousin. When he travelled to America, he changed his mind while she still wants him, as she waited for him for four years. How would you advise him?.. More
A man has two wives, one of them asks him what he did with the other wife because of being jealous from her, is it permissible for her to ask this question? It is permissible for him to answer her question?.. More
A person from a religion other than Islam married his sister and he fathered children with her. Then he embraced Islam. What should he do with his wife, who is his sister, and what is the fate of the children?.. More