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5673 fatwas

  • In love with a man but her parents refuse him

    I am a practicing Muslim who's in love with a Muslim guy but my parents are against him especially my mother for some reasons...But things have gone too far between us, he knows some of my secrets which I'm afraid my parents will found out. What should I do? .. More

  • Asking Allaah that the woman he loves be divorced to marry her

    I know a girl who was pressured into marrying her cousin at the age of 16. Family put pressure on her and letter it was realized that the boys family had used black magic to influence the girls parents in giving her hand. The girl sincerely does not like her husband at all and cannot be with him and wishes to get divorced. The family is aware of this.. More

  • Lives with a friend whose boyfriend is living with her

    May Allaah forgive me, I am a 25 year old Muslim female who has recently started to practise my faith as I have never really had much knowledge on my Deen, I have been living in an apartment with my Muslim friend and her Muslim boyfriend, neither are family members of mine, nor do they practice their faith. Is it permissible for me to live with them.. More

  • Naming a child Abu Bakr

    I would like to keep my new-born son's name Abu Bakr. Is this OK to keep. Because the meaning is father of camels. But I want to keep it due to the status of this great Sahabi?.. More

  • His wife is negligent about prayer though her family are good people

    I had a lot of dreams about building a true Muslim family and all my wish is to find a girl that would take part in my dreams. Before 18 months I knew a girl from Lebanon through my father and I started to talk to her to explain what was my dream and what I want to do. She told me that she is a Muslim and that she prays and she fast and she knows.. More

  • Husband carrying out a vasactomy

    One of my friends wife has diabetes and they have 3 children. His wife can not take any more children because of her illness. His wife is taking pills to prevent getting pregnant but because of the diabetes and the medicine that she is taking for this illness in combination with the pills to prevent pregnancies she is getting more ill. She is scared.. More

  • His name is Arham but he is a very aggressive boy

    My sister's son whose age is about 3 years is a very aggressive child. He is always weeping and shouting. His name is "ARHAM". Some people say that this name is not a valid name and his aggressive attitude ID due to the name. Is it possible that a name of a child has a bad effect on his personality or life? .. More

  • Engaged but is still emotionally attached to her married work colleague

    A colleague at work confessed his love for me 4 months after he married. I was employed as he was engaged, and apparently he fell for me in a very short time. I never noticed anything until he confessed his feelings. Personally, I liked many qualities in him, but knowing he was engaged, I kept my feelings to myself. After confessing, we started to share.. More

  • Two brothers marrying a woman and her daughter

    There is a Fatwa by a Mufti that own father and son can have marriage with own two sisters. If it is like can two own brothers can have marriage with mother and daughter i.e., elder brother marriage with mother who take divorce from her first husband, and her daughter has living with her after divorce of her mother, Can younger brother have marriage.. More

  • Husband having sex with wife before the consummation of their marriage

    I have just recently had my Nikaah with my husband, and I understand that this now makes us lawful for one another. I have heard in many Hadeeth that when a man calls his wife to bed she must obey but I am worried that I may get pregnant before our actual wedding, which is in the summer. Also if my parents knew about it they would not be happy at.. More

  • A man changing the diapers of a female infant

    Is it allow for a father or male to change his daughters' dippers or not? .. More

  • Husband Asking His Wife for Sex While in Someone Else's House

    When my husband calls me to his bed, am I allowed to reject his call because I do not feel comfortable in doing so due to our surroundings? For example, we may be guests at someone house, or when I know it may be possible for others to hear what goes on between us? .. More

  • Her ex-husband does not teach or follow Islam with their children

    l have children and l have been married before. I am a practicing Muslim but my ex-husband doesn't teach or follow Islam with our children, fasting, praying or when celebrations of 'Eed isn't observed and he doesn't provide Halaal meat very often to the children. His way of life is so different Islamicly to mine and my second husbands way. How can I.. More

  • An old woman living alone with an alien old man

    Can a woman 73 years age live as a house keeper in the home of another man who is also Muslim but not practising? The woman is divorced since a long time and has been living in the house of this man as house keeper and cook. They live decently and have separate rooms to sleep. The gentleman looks after her and takes her in his car for shopping etc... More

  • Saw a dream about the man who wants to marry her

    I have met this guy and for both of us it was instant attraction. Although we know we are doing wrong, we don't want to take it any further that is why we both want to know if we are going to marry each other. That is why I did Istikhaarah, to seek guidance whether I am going to marry this person. I don't know if it means anything, but I had a dream.. More