My question is that if a Muslim man marries a Christian or Jewish woman and then he divorces her the third time is he allowed to take her back when she marries another Christian or Jewish man and he divorces her? .. More
Am I treated this way? Or is it just my imagination? I don't know where to start! I feel angry and neglected! My husband has a 6 year old son turning seven from his ex- wife. My husband's attention is most of the time devoted to his son or his work. He always talks about how we should show each other how much we love each other by the aamal not by just.. More
My friend has been married for 6 years. Almost 2 years ago her husband, who introduced her to Islam, went to work in Saudi Arabia and left her with her daughter in the USA and sent her money as needed. 6 months ago he got married and my friend asked him to come and visit her but he keeps giving her excuses. He hasn't visited her at all since.. More
I was in love with a guy who was unstable and different nationality but my parents emotionally blackmailed me and I got married to a guy of their choice whom I don't like. For their sake I tried to give up my and carry on with my future but on my wedding night I got scared of my husband and after that I told him about my past and since then we don't.. More
During foreplay with wife can we use honey, jam, etc. egg applying honey on wife's breasts, nipples or thighs and then eat honey from their, I am waiting for your quickest and positive response... More
New Muslimah was wondering what is the ruling on having had my tubes tied and unable to produce any more children. Had this procedure done before converting? Now I feel bad that I can not give my husband anymore children like he wants. .. More
I have a problem which has been disturbing me very much for a long time. Many years a go I went to law school, in order to pay for my education I had to take out federal loans, which have fixed loan. At that time I never realized that loans with interest was Haraam. I never even thought about or realized the extreme nature of this action. After I.. More
Do you have any Fataawa which allow me to pretend to be a non-Muslim with the family of a Christian girl whom I want to marry, and then publicly announce this marriage for the people of my religion, according to the religion and the Sunnah of the Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam. Dou you have any Fatwa in this regard?.. More
What is the ruling on a man who did all kinds of foreplay with a woman for a period of three years, should he marry her so that Allaah would forgive him or should he marry a woman other than her? Please reply at your earliest as this is about the future of a Muslim man. .. More
The cultivation of children starts at a very early age. Some scholars, may Allah have mercy upon them, are even of the view that this starts before the children are born, like feeding and clothing the wife with what is lawful, as this has an impact on the child. Are there any other matters that are legislated by Allah for the cultivation of the child.. More
If it is forbidden for a woman to look at what Allaah has forbidden her to look at in another woman with the exception of the arms, legs, neck and head, so is it permissible for a her to look at the body of another woman when she is having a bath and she asks her to scratch her back?.. More
A man is married to two wives, one has children and one does not have children. Does he have to divide equally his time between the two wives? Or is the one who has children entitled to more of his time than the other one who does not have children? .. More
I like to marry a second wife but I do not have the money for this. I am married and I have two girls, what should I do as I fear to be tempted [by other women] because my wife is sick?.. More