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5673 fatwas

  • Her fiancé wants to know everything about her past

    I have a problem and I need your help. 15 months ago I met a man honest religious, smart, hard worker. We were to be married. I love him and respect him very much. He also helped me get closer to Allaah. The problem is he is kind of a man wants to know everything I do or everything that has happened to me in past. He found out that there was.. More

  • Status of Illegitimate Children

    I am a Pakistani and a lawyer by profession. My question is about the illegitimate children. Who are the Mahrams of illegitimate children, i.e., the relatives who they can and cannot marry? What are their rights and duties under Islamic Law? Please do give references of Holy Qur'an or Ahadith while giving Fatwa. .. More

  • Her 14 year-old son's relationship to her in-laws is questionable

    I have a friend who had a child before becoming Muslim, she then married a Muslim man and she too became Muslim Al-Hamdulillaah, but now her husband's mother is saying that she and other female members of the family have to cover in front of her son, who is 14 because he is not her proper grandson, what is the Islamic ruling regarding this, as it.. More

  • Wants troubled marriage to end

    Egyptian husband refuses to marry in the mosque. We are both Muslims. Keeps saying yes but never does nothing to make it happen. I went out of town for few days found he been having online sex with women from all over and some in same city Houston. I am so hurt and disappointed I told him to leave. He did for 4 hrs then come back. He doesn't.. More

  • Has relations with non-practicing Muslim

    I am the one who wrote question for Fatwa: 89860. I told my boyfriend the answer that was given to me. I told him that I could not see him anymore until he was ready to marry me. I was crying and very sad. He insisted that I stop crying and stop expressing my feelings in that manner. He also told me not to personalize this religion. He.. More

  • Wife taking her husband's surname

    Can a woman take her husband's name as surname after marriage? Please note that this is common practice in South Asia and Europe. Please give some references with your answer. .. More

  • Marriage to a close relative

    I'm currently engaged to one of my aunt's (mother's sister) daughters. My fiancé has a brother who was breastfed from another one of my aunts (another of mother's sister) more than five times. This aunt had a child a couple of months later and of course breastfed her son, and my fiancé's brother. I have never breastfed from anyone of my aunts... More

  • Being patient with irresponsible, criticizing husband

    To what extend should a wife be patient. I work full time job and have five children 2-12 years of age, and I try to do everything to please my husband and my children. Currently my husband work is very slow and I have been responsible for all the expenses for one year, I do all of the house work , I do most of the grocery shopping, and I take care.. More

  • Having intercourse in the open, but out of public view

    Is it a sin for married couple to stay alone outside in nature, and to have a intimate contact, but to make sure no one from people sees them. .. More

  • Marriage arrangements

    Please could you explain exactly what happens in the process of Nikaah - should we perform it in a Masjid or is it acceptable to take place in a house or hall for example? Also, please clarify if it is permissible to perform the Nikaah in front of the presence of both men and women? And finally, when agreeing the marriage contract, agreement.. More

  • Impregnated woman by fornication

    I am a 42 years-old north African Muslim who lives in the UK. I have divorced from my ex-wife a year ago but I have been alone for more than that as she left before divorce. About 2 month ago "Satan" won against me. I was very week and had sex with one of my female colleagues. 2 weeks after that she said she was pregnant. She did a pregnancy.. More

  • Divorcing his wife by written statement and no witnesses

    Is it acceptable in Islam, when husband divorcing his wife by just writing a statement of divorce without witness? Would not be necessary to have two witnesses when husband divorcing wife? .. More

  • Has problems getting married

    I would like to ask you to guide me to the right way. I have engaged with a girl last with agreement all her and my family members while I am staying out side of my country and could not back to country now because of my job appointment. I am continuously praying Salat al-Istikhaara for that. Since last one and half year they are trying to get passport.. More

  • Sister's daughter married without her knowledge

    Appreciate your kind service to all the Muslim brothers. My elder sister's daughter got married my neighbour boy in without informing to her. I mean she just runaway from the house. Are this marriage permissible and what is the sin and what could be punishment in Islam for her and also for the boy? The boy family were very good neighbour initially.. More

  • Concerned about his son living with his non-religious ex-wife

    My son is 15 years old and living in Germany since 1994 with my divorced wife. I cannot get and visit him, he cannot make him live with me according to Islam principles. I know that by heritage he is Muslim. His mother is not a believer in Christian religion. But I am afraid influence may come to him from any side and become Christian. What can.. More