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89 fatwas

  • Supplicating against our enemies

    Can we supplicate against our enemies and what supplications should we make?.. More

  • How to make one's business prosper

    I hope that you and your team are doing fine in dispensing your duties with the Grace of ALLAH.I am again bothering you for some inquiry, hope you wont mind it. QUESTION. I have a modest business and I want it to grow legally and in compliance with Shariah, so apart from working hard and good planning and management, what can I do, I mean if there.. More

  • Make Dua and be patient

    I have read your Dua Page and Alhamdulillah it was good but I'm requesting that you post a Dua on marriage. As I am a young Muslim who wants to get married but I can not find a good Arab Muslimah...So please could you send me or post a Dua on this topic and the second topic is that my parents for some reason are misguided by the world they put.. More

  • Dua to protect children

    My son is very active (mashaAllah) any Dua and any work to keep him in control. He is three years old, any Quranic Dua or Ayah you suggest to give me to read for him... More

  • Needed supplications

    I need some of the supplications like "O Allah have Mercy on me," "O Allah forgive me.".. More

  • Wants Supplications and Quranic Verses to Influence a Proposal

    Wants supplications and Quranic verses to influence a proposal I am in love with a boy. I don't want to have an affair with him. I want him to send his proposal to my parents. My father knows him and likes him. I talk to him on the Internet but not that often. I don't want to let him know how I feel about him; I want him to have feelings for me. I need.. More

  • How to conceive a baby girl

    Please advise mehowto eat and pray according to the teachings of Islam to conceive a baby girl... More

  • Du'a for finding a culprit

    Is there any specified supplication for finding a culprit for who committed a crime? Can you tell me the interpretation of the following two dreams? 1)I saw a man falling into ice but there is no effect of falling in him. 2)I saw that I am holding a small baby and suddenly he turned into a big man. These are the reactions of Istikharah.. More

  • Particular Du’a for matrimony

    Is there any particular Du’a for matrimony for ones daughters or sisters? I mean to say any Du’a after Fard prayers so that the girl gets married soon... More

  • Du'a that makes a person love you

    What’s the Du’a that makes a person loves you?.. More

  • Du'aa' for successful childbearing

    I have a friend who has been married for 6 years and got pregnant 7 times but she had miscarriages with each pregnancy in the first few months for no reason according to her doctors. Is there is a call or prayer or invocation you can recommend so I can tell her, or is there an invocation that she can say when she is pregnant to help her to keep her.. More

  • Du'a when in trouble

    My husband was accused falsely by his co-worker that he touched her in response to a complaint placed against her. She is a Christian, who always treats Muslims badly seeing which my husband was angry and wrote a complaint against her, for which she lied about my husband touching her. Please tell me what Surah I should read... More

  • Du'aa in Hard Times

    I asked about Du'a in hard times. .. More

  • Prayers to strengthen faith

    What are some Du'a which strengthen Imaan?.. More

  • Prayers and Dhikr to wipe out sins

    Since sin and committing them is rampant can you send me any prayer or name of Allah (Subhanahu Wa Ta A'ala) and the number of times required to do that to help erase all my sins by Allah's Mercy. Give evidence of the prayers with links to the Qur'an and the Hadith... More