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I lost a large amount of money to my friend who cheated me and disappeared for sometime. What Du'a and prayers should I perform to know his whereabouts? Should I see any pious people who can tell me where this wrongdoer is residing? Do you know if there is anybody who can help me?
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What is the ruling on saying Subhanallah when thundering or lightning?.. More
I am afraid of weather, especially wind and rain. What can I do? I say all Du'a, but I am still afraid... More
How should we bless when we see a thing, or some beautiful person or women (Muslim or non-Muslim)?
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What is the dhikr said by the husband and his wife before having intercourse?.. More
Can you e-mail me all the Du'as for ghusl & wudu with translations?
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At beginning of July I'll be going to Makkah and Medina for the very first time in my life Insha Allah. And I'll be doing Umrah. I have read and heard that the very first sight/look of al-Ka'ba, your Dua' is Mustajab. Does this mean that only one Dua' can be made and answered at the first sight of Ka'ba or does it mean that all Dua's I make in this.. More
My younger brother is in the prison because some body made a false statement against him. Some body was in the jail and had a case against him. Now he lied and told the prosecutor that my brother is also involved, but my brother does not even know the person. Please tell us some Du'a in this time of trouble and make Du'a for us... More
Could you inform me if there is a particular Du'a which could be recited when moving in a new house, apartment, etc.? If there is such a Du'a could you bring an evidence, please? If there is no such a Du'a can I just recite some verses from Surah al-Baqarah? What's the best to do when moving in?.. More
Some body told me a Du'a to read before my exams. I want to confirm if this Du'a is good and it is not an innovation to read it. Please check it and then confirm it. "Allahumma Inna Ja'alnaak Fi Nuhoorihim Wa Na'uoozubika Min Shuroorihim"... More
Is it true that some companions of Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) recommend the repetition of Allah Akbar when having sex?.. More
I have been married 6 years now. We don't have any children. My husband has a problem that so easy to be cured and he took all the medicine needed for that, but still we couldn't have children. The doctors told us to make the in vitro operation which will cost us a lot of money that we cannot afford it now. I pray every day and ask God to solve this.. More
Is there a specific Du'a to say to live peacefully with one's wife and to have good religious children?
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My wife is worried about conceiving a child. We have been married for 18 months now. She is reciting the du'a made by Hazrat Zakaryia for the child, after isha every day. She is also praying Salat Hajat every other day, and recites Sura Yasin after Fajr prayer every day. She wanted to ask if you can suggest some other Dua for her.
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