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I am a twenty-one-year-old religious girl and there is a young man who wants to propose to me. I told my mother, but his mother opposes this marriage, therefore, I resorted to Allaah Exalted Whom I ask to Help me out. Can you, please, provide me with supplications and suggested righteous deeds so that Allaah, the Exalted, Would Grant me success and.. More
Asslam O Alaikum, Respected Sheikh, I want to know if there is any supplication or supplications made/taught by Prophet for bride and groom who are going to be wed? Please do mention the Dua (supplication) in Arabic as well as its translation in english and refer me the hadith book in which the said supplication may be found. eg I am not sure but heard.. More
I have lost my Gold ring which was my Husband gifted me at first far as i remember I kept it in my almiera along with my husband's and my son's ring. i could not wear the ring because its stone was came out, so i kept it so that later i will repair it and will wear. Now in the almira two rings one my husbands and another my sons ring and.. More
Can you tell me what to recite to stop breastfeeding. Because my daughter does not want to leave it. She cry too much and create the scene. In the end I have to give. She also need good food. But still need mine. I don't want to angry with her. Please tell me something so my child automatically leave it.
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Would you please provide the complete story of Satan’s appearance before the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, while he was with the Companions, may Allaah be pleased with them?
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Will you please provide me with Duaa Al Estikhara in English. Many thanks... More
aasalam o alikum,i would like to ask,please please im in last year of mbbs,i need prayer to clear this exams n become a doctor kindly,help me in it,.. More
Please tell that how Reciting "LA ILAHA ILLALLAHUL MALIKUL HAQUL MOBEEN" repeatedly can be beneficial.. More
What is the meaning of the following supplication, "O Allaah, I seek refuge in Your Greatness that I may be attacked from below"?.. More
I want to know the meaning of the Hadeeth that includes the Prophet's Du‘aa’ (supplication), "Allaahumma innaa na‘oothu bika min jahd al-balaa’ wa darak ash-shaqaa’". I would like a brief explanation of this Du‘aa’. Thank you... More
Asalamualaikum Wa Rakhmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.. Brother first of all i would like to sincerley apologise to you.. i thought that i did not recieve all of my answers to the questions i had asked you. (Sorry). Secondly.. Do you know of any duas taht can be read or anything like that which is written in the Qur'aan that can improve the barakat in our household... More
Salaam Alaykum Sheikh,
I had read a particular supplication in a website, and it is known to be said while looking at the mirror. It reads:
“ALLAH humma anta hassanta khalqi fa Hassan khuluqi”
Can you provide me with any authentic hadith dealing with this supplication or at least let me know whether it is right or wrong?
Jazaak ALLAHu Khair.
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is there any dua to control lazyness? how to get rid from lazyness.. More
salamalikum,my question is there any specific dua to ward trials and temptations of this life and to ward off bad fate.and to get good fate and good end in life and hereafter.
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assalam wa alykum it is said in a hadith that if a dog or donkey barks then a person should say lahuwla wala khuwata illah billah. but i was also told that if cat barks then also u should say that dua. sometimes when cats fight or make very loud n scary voices i would recite this dua once only, cats would stop quarrelling n making noises, n it would.. More
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