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Asalam waylaykum I would like to know if if anyone knows any prayer or dua which can be read to help someone change his mind. I have a friend whos father has chosen a girl for him to marry, but he dosn't want to marry her because he wants so marry someone of his choice. His father won't listen to him and he has done istekhara asking Allah swt who he.. More
What Du'aa to say for searching or retrival of lost items from Suna and Quran?.. More
Assalamualaikum,Im from India, many people here when they wore new clothes or new shoes say Assalamualaikum to others like who ever is present at home that time, apart from saying dua for wearing new clothes or new shoes and others who saw him/her saying dua to him/her. Is it an act of bidah? .. More
Selam Alejkum, Please want to start building new house soon INSH-ALLAH. Can you advice according to Hadith or any other advice based to islam, what is necessary to do before starting? I know that we have to start with supplication but don’t know which the ones are. Very important for me please advice in details what is necessary to do exactly and.. More
I would like to if there is any dua to rectite when you (1) count your money and (2) you hear the news of a non-muslim (man or woman) has passed away ? Can you provide the arabic version in roman english as well as a translation in english ?.. More
Salam Alaikum. A friend of mine is afraid that another person she knows is thinking in their mind that she is guilty of an act that she is not. She wants to know if there is any duaa or anything she can do or say that can make the other person change their minds about my friend. Jazak'allah Khaer... More
I would be grateful if you could tell me what is the best Dhikr that keeps our mind occupied and our heart pure of satanic desires. And also please tell me the time at which Du'a are usually listened at and what's the best way to make a Du'a so that it can be fulfilled. .. More
I feel really happy and thank you for putting up such a nice website. May Allaah reward you for this Aameen. My problem is rather quite complicated but it needs to be overcome or the depression would kill me inside. Allaah has given me everything Al-Hamdulillaah. And I am a five time praying Muslim Mashaa' Allaah. As I am 26-years old now.. More
After the Iqaamah is said, I see some people recite the same Du'aa that is recited after the Athaan. Is it right? Please do reply. .. More
We normally only say "Aouzubillaahi Minashshaitaanir-Rajeem." Is it Sunnah to say, "Aouzubillaahi Minashshaitaanir-Rajeem, Min Hamzihi, wa Nafasihi ..."? I hope my question is clear now. .. More
I just wanted to know the Du'aa when there is extreme rain which may cause flood. .. More
Can you give me Du'a from the Sunnah to get baby boy? .. More
I have joined university now. Is there any Du'a' which I should read so that I can make Muslim friends here? Someone who will be really close and be a good friend of mine. .. More
There have been many times I have asked help from you on various aspects. My question is regarding 'pregnancy'. I would like to know if there are certain supplications, prayers or any Tasbeeha woman should follow during the nine months. Are there any do's and don'ts in pregnancy?
Your reply is much awaited... More
If a Muslim wants to ask money from Allaah for himself and his family (because they don't have money to live or having disastrous problems), what should he do to praise Allaah and ask Allaah for money? Please help and may Allaah reward you if you do. P.S: It's happening to my family and me (sort of, but we still have lots of problems)... More
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