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3574 fatwas

  • Resorting to fraud to receive government benefits

    Assalaamu alaykum. My family is involved in benefit fraud. When I decided to move back in, my mum told me not to inform the council as this would reduce her benefits, so my uncle registered me on my grandad's address. I found work within a fortnight,but I was greedy for money, so I justified the lies. I recently quit my job, as it was haram. I am repenting.. More

  • Sincere supplication of a disbeliever may be answered

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykhs. I have heard that a disbeliever's supplication is responded if he supplicates to Allah, the Exalted, alone, without committing Shirk (associating partners with Allah). I also heard that a Muslim's supplication may not be answered due to his sins. And I also heard that the supplication of a.. More

  • Going to shrines and marrying Barelvi to obey parents

    Assalaamu alaykum. A 16-year-old-girl wants to follow the way of Ahl Al-Hadith, upon my advice, but in some cases, she does not understand the matter and gets confused. Should I advise her more, or should I leave her so that she does not get confused anymore? She wants to stop going to to Mazar and Dargahs and wants to leave the innovation, but out.. More

  • Fulfilling the deceased's request which he made in a truthful dream

    Assalaamu alaykum. I saw my deceased father in a dream today, and he asked me to pay rs 900 to the mango vendor. I do not know which vendor it is in this case. Is there any alternative way I can pay off his debts to free him from Hellfire? Regards. .. More

  • Difference between Thunoob and Sayyi'aat

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs. Can you please define Zunooband Sayyi’aat. Are they different? If yes, please explain the difference. And does one of them cover the other one? I mean, do Zunoob also include Sayyi’aat and vice versa? May Allah reward you, respected Shaykhs. .. More

  • Whether evil thoughts are from self or devil

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Shaykhs,is there a way to know if an evil thought that came to one's mind is from the evil of one's own self or from the devil? And whenever an evil thought comes to mind, must we attribute it to the devil and seek refuge with Allah, the Exalted, or must we do this and also attribute it to our own evil.. More

  • Forgetfully breaking oath

    Assalaamu alaykum. I asked the same question before; please answer me seperately. I have a boyfriend, and I swore an oath to Allah that whenever I would get a message from a guy or if anyone speaks to me, I would tell him everything; or that I would tell him everything that I do apart from my ordinary routine; I do not remember exactly. However, I do.. More

  • Husband is wife's Heaven or Hell and vice versa

    Please answer personally and do not refer to any similar fatwa. I have asked this question several times, but I did not get an answer. I am asking about what we learn from a certain hadith: that for a woman, marriage is important; it is either her Hell or her Heaven. But the hadith addressed to men indicates that it is not that important; it is neither.. More

  • Getting marks for test without taking it

    Yesterday, I went to do the examination of microbiology. Our respected teacher asked questions to all of the students except for me. Am I accountable for this? I was trying to keep away from his sight by hiding behind students, but he passed my exam by giving me 7 out of 10. Is l this considered cheating? Will this make my earning haram? .. More

  • Woman recounting dream to male student of knowledge

    Salam. I am presenting this question to clarify. Is it permissible for a woman who is covered from head to toe (including the eyes, but not her hands) to demonstrate in a video what occurred in her dream to a male student of knowledge given that the shape/size of her ‘Awrah (what should be covered of the body) appears due to putting a cloth around.. More

  • Accessing online courses in indirect ways

    Assalaamu alaykum. There are many websites online that provide paid educational courses on programming, graphic designing, etc. There may be some ways to access/download them, and I want to know if these are allowed: 1. If one pays and enrolls in a course which was meant for individual use only, can he share his account details or the files with.. More

  • Testifying that one fulfils all religious obligations on website

    There is a marriage website. I think they require me to tick boxes during registration; it says: - I testify that I worship Allah and none along with Him. - I testify that I offer my obligatory prayer and strive to fulfil all the religious obligations which are compulsory upon me. - I understand that this website is only for those Muslims who.. More

  • Consequences of sin do not invalidate repentance from it

    If I see a person posting a video of a song, and after this I immediately close this video, but I heard this song because of him, so have I thus shown pleasure for his sin and do I carry his sins? Or if I sin and repent but, for example, I talked with a girl in private and she told me something and after this I repent, but because she gave me knowledge.. More

  • Parents believe working with Muslims in West is unsafe

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have a halal job, which is run by Muslims. I live in the West. My family are concerned about my safety since I decided to work in this job that is filled with Muslims. My family have been trying to explain to me that they would like me to find another job that is "normal," where there are Muslims and Non-Muslims. They were telling.. More

  • Interrupting Thikr after prayer to return greeting of Salaam

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear Shaykh, I have a question regarding the prescribed Thikr (expressions of remembrance of Allah) after the prayer. I read a fatwa that said that it should be done before talking to anyone. So my question is: what if someone says 'Assalaamu alaykum' to me while I am doing this Thikr, should I ignore.. More