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3574 fatwas

  • Basmalah before writing or talking

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Is it recommended to write the Basmalah ("In the name of Allah") on top of every page of my notebook? When talking to someone, should we say "Bismillah, how are you my friend?" I need a detailed answer about these manners. .. More

  • Definition of evildoing and sinning openly

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Can you explain what evildoing is and when a believer becomes an evildoer? As for the hadith which says that Allah will not forgove a person who sins openly; does this mean that he will surely be thrown into the Fire, or may Allah forgive him if He wills and is that just a warning from the Prophet,.. More

  • Seeking permission before entering relatives' houses

    Assalamu alaykum. Is it obligatory to give the Salaam greeting and take permission before entering my relatives' house? Sometimes they open the door for me and I just enter without asking permission orally. Is that a sin? .. More

  • Virtue of invoking blessings on Prophet in supplication

    I heard that the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam,recommended using the following formula to get your wishes realized: 1) Recite Salawaat (invoke the blessings of Allah on the Prophet)11 times. 2) Recite "Hasbiyallahu laa Ilaaha illa Huwa alayhi..." 7 times. 3) Recite Salawaat 11 times. 4) State your wish and Allah will grant it. I.. More

  • Conditions of praising a person

    Can you please explain the guidelines of praising others, and when it is permissible or when it is blameworthy? The Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,said that if anyone praises you, you should put dirt in his mouth. Please explain. .. More

  • Vowing to renounce a recommended deed

    I was wondering, if a person makes a vow to renounce an act that is recommended, such as not reading/researching hadiths for a period of time or voluntary prayer, is it considered valid? .. More

  • Greeting a person by bowing is forbidden

    Assalaamu alaykum. In Japanese and Chinese culture, one has to bow down before his boss or superior. In Islam, however, it is haram to bow down before anybody other than Allah. What if we can make a way out? For example, if somebody just makes a gesture like slightly bending his back in front, suppose maximum 20 degrees, without bowing his head, which.. More

  • Whether saying 'I swear' is considered an oath

    Assalaamu alaykum. If I swore (I said, "Ana ahlif") that if someone brought up a certain topic, I would just leave the room every time, how do I nullify that oath? Unfortunately, I know that the person will continue to bring up that topic, and I do not want to be held liable for not upholding my oath. .. More

  • Not conditioned to say 'O Allah, if it is good for me, grant it to me...' when supplicating

    Assalaamu alaykum. What is the ruling on asking for something specific when supplicating? And is it a must or a condition that a person should say when asking Allah for something: "O Allah, if it is good for me, then grant it to me, and if it is bad for me, then keep it away from me,” or can a person beseech Allah and ask Him for a specific thing.. More

  • Making oath with Quran open in front of you

    Assalaamu alaikum. Sir, I have a question regarding oaths. One day, I was sitting to recite the Tafseer (exegesis) of the Quran, which did not contain the whole Quran; it contains the Tafseer of the first two Surahs of the Quran only. So while the book was open, I had a quarrel with my husband, and in anger, I said that I will not do such and such job.. More

  • Giving the wrong advice

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am resending my question and hope that it is clear now. If a learned person gave some advice for someone’s circumstance, but their advice was disapproved in certain scenarios, and then the learned person comes to know what occurred and realizes that the scenarios may be saying what is the accurate answer for the individual whom.. More

  • Obedience to parents with regard to voluntary fasting

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholar. I have encountered different opinions in regards to obedience to parents in fasting voluntarily, such as shaykh Ibn ‘Uthaymeen saying that is not obligatory, and other scholars as Bin Baaz saying that it is obligatory, and also another scholar saying that the one who fasts against his parents wishes thinks that he is doing.. More

  • Cheating in college attendance, and meaning of

    Asslaamu alaykum. Shaykh, my questions are the following: 1. In my college, I do not attend the lectures and ask my friend to sign for my attendance. Is there a sin on me because the teacher thinks that I am present while I am not? 2. Can you explain the meaning of 'Rabitat'; it is mentioned in the last verse of Surat Aal-‘Imraan. .. More

  • Using Algerian expression ‘me and Allah’ to mean being alone

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. Yesterday, when I entered my grandmother's home, I asked whether they were alone in the house (my grandmother and my aunt) or if there was any guest in the house. She said, “No, we are just the two of us (my granmother and my aunt) and Allah.” This is a typicall expression here in Algeria, which is said, for instance,.. More

  • Asking Allah to be saved from the evil of afflictions

    What is the meaning of verse 11 of Surah Al-Israa’? Can one say that even though he may supplicate while thinking that it is good, it may be bad for him? For example, I sometimes ask Allah to save me from the evil of afflictions, and I see that bad things start happening. Please explain. May Allah bless you and reward you with Paradise. .. More