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3574 fatwas

  • Supplicating while wearing clothes bought with stolen money

    If a person whose clothes were bought with stolen money, like a thief, even though he repented, supplicates with those clothes on, will his supplications be answered by Allah? .. More

  • Guardianship over wife does not mean oppressive control

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am at the age at which many people are asking me when I am getting married. However, I do not want to get married anymore because I do not want to give up authority over my own life. As an adult, I never have to ask my parents for permission to go somewhere or do something, whereas a wife would need permission to go on a trip or.. More

  • Befriending non-Muslims who ridicule the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am referring to this question: Is it apostasy or hypocrisy to befriend these people due to loneliness, while hating what they say? .. More

  • Rights of adult Muslim over fellow Muslims

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. In Islam, what are the rights that an adult has over a non-Mahram (permanently unmarriageable) or a Mahram young individual? I know that young people need to respect their elders and speak to them in a polite manner, but what about adults? .. More

  • Intending to sin then repent afterwards

    I would like to ask a question about the verse: {And We will turn away their hearts and their eyes just as they refused to believe in it the first time. And We will leave them in their transgression, wandering blindly.} [Quran 6:110] Does this mean that those who intend to do a sin (fornication, for example) and to repent afterwards will not be allowed.. More

  • Chain mail that asks people to click ‘like’ if they love Allah

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sometimes, there are people who post some chainmail saying something like, “‘Like’ if you love Allah, and ignore if you do not care.” My parents said that it does not matter whether I click ‘like’ or not, because what matters is what I actually feel towards Allah. In such case, is it my obligation to click ‘like’?.. More

  • Meaning of ‘Subhaan Allahi wa bihamdihi...’

    What is the meaning of the following verse? Is this hadith authentic, as it is from the book of Muslim, but I do not know its hadith reference, so I needed that too. Please quote what Prophet Muhammad, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said about this mighty verse. "Subhaan Allahi wa bi-hamdihi, ʻadada khalqihi, wa ridhaa nafsihi, wa zinata ʻarshi.. More

  • Cutting relations with grandparents

    Is it forbidden in Islam to end all contact with my grandparents from my mothers side? If it is forbidden, then what are the exceptions to ending all contact, and what is the punishment if it is forbidden in Islam? .. More

  • Delaying repentance is sin that requires repentance

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have read many fatwas that state that delaying repentanceis a sin necessitating repentancein and of itself. However, only statements of scholars were brought forth in this regard, without any proof from the Quran or Sunnah. Could you please bring the proof(s) which proves that delaying repentance is a sin? May Allah bless you. .. More

  • Asking Allah to guide all people and give them all wealth and success

    Assalaamu alaykum. If a person supplicates, "O Allah, facilitate for all of the people in the world to be Muslim," or, "O Allah, grant all of the poor wealth and success," what should their intention be? When we supplicate, we should hope that Allah will accept it. Therefore, with this type of supplication, what should be in the person's heart in terms.. More

  • Overhearing answer while taking admission exam

    Is it permissible for me to continue my studies? Assalaamu alaykum. In my medical admission test, I gave one MCQ (multiple choice question) question's answer by hearing it from others. I did not ask anyone to tell me the answer. What happened is that others were cheating by discussing the answer, and I heard the answer intentionally. I gave all the.. More

  • Seeking pardon of people one lied to or cheated

    Assalaamu alaykum. I am wondering about this hadith: “Whoever has wronged his brother with regard to his blood, his wealth or his honour, let him come and set matters straight before there comes a Day on which there will be no dirhams and no dinars, only good deeds and bad deeds, and if he has good deeds (they will be taken and given to the one.. More

  • Pride in belonging to Islam is required

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh, Shaykhs. Can we Muslims be arrogant given that we are better than the disbelievers, who are the worst of creation while we are the best? Is this type of pride allowed? .. More

  • Repentance from committing slander

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is the following statement considered slander, bad thought, or accusing another in a scenario in which the reality is opposite to the statement: “I think he said something (and thereafter this issue was raised and became a problem, because it happened after we had somewhat of a confrontation)” - i.e. the reality is that the person.. More

  • Traveling to seek knowledge without parents' permission

    Assalaamu alaykum, Scholars. I want to know the meaning of ''if the parents are in need of you" or "if they would face hardship" in regard to travelling for seeking knowlege. We live in Tarragona, Spain. My father is around 60 years old, and my mother is younger than him, perhaps 55 or 56. They both work and both earn money: my father is a university.. More