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3574 fatwas

  • Supplicating before or after drinking Zamzam water

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Shaykh,should one supplicate before drinking Aamzam water or after? I have come across two statements, one stating the former, and the other the latter. Please advise, Shaykh. May Allah reward you. .. More

  • Meaning of ‘lowering the gaze’

    Assalaamu alaykum. What is meant by "Lower your gaze"? Actually, I try to obey it, but sometimes I become confused with the meaning as I am not an Arab. I know that looking at the forbidden things like the covered or uncovered private parts of others is prohibited, but my confusion is about the faces of girls. I am giving you some of the meaning which.. More

  • Receiving money for purpose and spending it on other purpose

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. My father gave me some money, telling me to use it for a taxi, but I did not take the taxi and then gave that money as a loan. Today, I received some pocket money from my mother, praise be to Allaah. So, do I return the amount that my father gave me back to him from today's pocket money? .. More

  • One should not supplicate against himself

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaauhu. I have heard that if I say, for example, 'I will fail the exam', and the angels that are with me say, 'Ameen', then Allaah will really make me fail; is this true? .. More

  • No true success away from Islam

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. Is there any other way to gain success in this world apart from Islam? Of course there is no doubt that Islam will lead to success in the Hereafter, but what about this world? Please, I need many details about this topic. .. More

  • Keeping ties with relatives who cause trouble

    I have three questions: 1) I have many relatives who live far from me. We have some family disputes that make us distant. Sometimes, they would call me but cause trouble, so my family ignored them. During Eid, however, we meet as a family and talk normally. Is this considered cutting the ties? Do I have to greet my family often or is being in a neutral.. More

  • Reading Soorah Al-Kaafiroon before sleeping

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is about guidance. A) Are there surahs or supplications that block sins? B) Does reading Surat Al-Kafiroon before sleeping make us immune to Shirk (polytheism)? Should we immediately go to sleep after reciting it, or can we recite others surahs and supplications after it also? Does it protect from major Shirk, minor.. More

  • Studying body parts in course of studying medicine

    I am a female medical student. At graduate level, we study all subjects (total 11 in number with subdivisions), and we do post graduate in a particular subject (along with related subjects) to be specialist of that subject. In the post graduate level, there are numerous subjects. I have some questions regarding this matter: 1) Is it permitted for.. More

  • Seeking forgiveness of Allah without committing sin

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is it incorrect to seek forgiveness even when one has not committed a sin? For example: if a man turns his head to the right and sees a non-Mahram (permanently unmarriageable) woman dressed inappropriately and then turns his head away automatically, is he still allowed to say "Astaghfirullah" (I seek forgiveness from Allah)? Sometimes,.. More

  • Lying about being unmarried for protection

    Salaam. Am I able to lie and say that I am married when I am not? (I am divorced and have no intention of ever marrying again.) I live alone and am fully dependable on myself for survival. My job requires interaction with males for business purposes. However, I am being treated with disrespect by my own people, and I no longer wish to work with them,.. More

  • Oath must be verbalized to be binding

    I broke my oath to Allah on my heart (without saying it). Should I offer an expiation? .. More

  • Lying about nationality to receive scholarship

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. There is an American company that offers a global online scholarship about technology. However, you are from some specific countries, you are not eligible to participate in it, and I am from one of those banned countries. I contacted them to get an explanation regarding this restriction, and they said.. More

  • Whether repeated breaking of vow or oath requires repeated expiation

    Suppose that I made a vow (Nadhr) to do something daily and I could not do that for five days. Do I need to expiate five times for that? Or is one expiation enough? And is the same ruling apply on an oath (Yameen)? .. More

  • Kindness towards non-Muslim neighbors of late parents

    Is it ok to invite a non-Muslim neighbour of our late parents to our group parties as a form of honouring our parents? Please reply quickly. .. More

  • Suspecting that fiancé masturbates and watches pornography

    Assalaamu alaykum. I found out that my fiancé masturbates and watches bad videos. He would “like” a comment on Facebook about a shaykh speaking about how to get rid of this, and this is how I knew. He also hinted before to me that he does it and tries to stop. I feel devastated for two reasons: he is perfect in every other way. I am also devastated.. More