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Assalam-o-Aliekom! Please could you provide me the details regarding the subject that our deeds (whether good or bad) are created and more broadly that the all the movements on the earth is created. This I would like you to clarify to me evidentialy from The Quran and Hadiths. Moreover, kindly provide some explanations pertaining to the subject by eminent.. More
i have a question concerning calamities The prophet saws have told in a hadtih that calamaties are a test from Allah swt and that is a good thing because our sins get expiated by expering calamities, and when Muslims are experiencing severe calamities they are raised in status and their sins get expiated. The question is when non-muslims are experiencing.. More
As a Muslim we believe in Kala & Qadr from Allah. Also we believe Natural disasters such as Volcanoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, etc are from Allah to punish wrong doers as mentioned in the Qur'an 29:40. One Muslim family in Sri Lanka became atheist after 2004 Tsunami. the reason they give is Allah is punishing wrong doers is OK, but how.. More
How do you explain this: Infant babies getting mauled by dogs, dog knocking down young 7 years old girl and have sex with her, small dogs having sex with cats? Why God letting dogs or any other animals do such disgusting things? .. More
Does ambition contradict Fate and divine Decree?.. More
The Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, said that Allaah Is more Merciful than a mother is to her child. However, there is a verse in the Noble Quran that says (what means): {Indeed, Allaah Does not Forgive association with Him, but He Forgives what is less than that for whom He Wills.} No mother can torture her child forever. First.. More
Allah has told us in the Quran that whatever calamity befalls on us it is due to our sins. but at other side is the hadith which says that when calamity befalls on you say 'qadarallhu wa ma shaa a fala'.And this hadith also tells us that 'if any difficuly or calamity befalls on you then don’t say as “if i did this then this might happen for it will.. More
Some people say that evil is not an entity by itself, but rather, it is a lack of good. Is this notion correct?
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Asak Scholars / Sheikhs, In one of your fatwa number 12519, you mention that " When Moosa (Moses) talked to Adam, may Allaah exalt their mention, and blamed him for his and his offspring’s expulsion from Paradise on account of his sin, the latter replied with a definitive answer that deflects all blame, and said, “How can you rebuke me for something.. More
Is a person free to choose or is he driven by fate? If he is the former, then to what extent is he free to choose? Does this include matters like marriage and good deeds?.. More
What is the relation between Divine revelation and the logic of the mind?
Some people elevate the status of reason to the extent of holding it equal to Divine revelation, while others belittle it.
Therefore, what is the correct attitude? .. More
Does a person have a choice concerning the offer and acceptance of marriage?.. More
What is Fate? What are the things that change Fate? Does Du‘aa’ (supplication) change Fate? Is there a relation between Fate and choosing a wife?.. More
Is it permissible to investigate the issues of Fate and Divine Decree?.. More
Can man control the term of his life? Can he lengthen or shorten his age? Is sustenance determined only by Allaah The Almighty?
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