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Does suicide change one’s life term that has been determined for him?
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Where does evil come from?.. More
I know that Allaah The Almighty knew the destiny of every human being before creating them, that is, whether he is from the people of the Paradise or the people of the Hell.
So, why did He create man? .. More
What is the difference between fate and luck?
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What is the reward of believing in fate and Divine Decree? If a person was deprived of something like having children, yet asked Allaah The Almighty to grant him that thing, would this contradict belief in fate and Divine Decree?.. More
I am a young Muslim man who studies in the United States. Once, an atheist said to me, “As long as Allaah is able to do anything, as you believe, can He create a big rock that He Himself cannot move? Also, since you believe that Allaah created this life in seven days and created Aadam (Adam) and Hawwaa’ (Eve) (may Allaah exalt their mention).. More
Would you please provide me with information about the Preserved Tablet? Is it true that Allaah The Almighty enables His chosen allies to know what it contains?.. More
As humans, do we choose guidance or it is Allaah The Almighty who chooses it for certain people, noting that when a child is born, Allaah The Almighty knows in advance whether he will be pious or not? Do we repent by our choice, or when Allaah The Almighty wills?.. More
Does medicine accelerate a cure?.. More
Someone says that Allaah The Almighty has created Fate but that He cannot control it. He gives the example of two cars that are about to enter a tunnel that is only wide enough for one car. He says that we expect an accident to occur there almost every five minutes, however, we can do nothing about it, and the same applies to Allaah The Almighty... More
Is man driven by fate or is he free to choose? What kind of record is written for every person before they are born? What language did Allaah speak to Moosa (Moses, may Allaah exalt his mention) and Muhammad, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, in?.. More
Some people claim that Allaah The Almighty sends snakes to bite a certain person but scorpions sting whomever they meet. How correct is this claim?.. More
We believe that nothing moves without the will of Allaah and nothing remains motionless without His will. My question is, how valid is this statement: Creatures are mere images, whose essence is the command of Allaah. That is to say, fire burns only according to the command of Allaah, a knife cuts only according to the command of Allaah, the sun shines.. More
Someone asked me, “Why does Allaah not create us perfect and free of sin? Why does He test and afflict us, and then punish us if we do not believe? Even if we believed, He will inevitably punish us as a result of our sins as He The Almighty Says (what means): {And there is none of you except he will come to it.} [Quran 19:71] This is also because.. More
I am a young man. I did not succeed in entering the field I wanted. Therefore, I strayed away from Allaah The Almighty. I am in a bad psychological state. Please advise... More
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