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Would leavinga low-payingjob while having ambition to move on toa better-payingjob be considered discontent with the Fate of Allaah The Almighty? My mother disagrees with me in this regard and always advises me to be content with what Allaah The Almighty has predestined for me. .. More
My sister told me that she knows a woman at her workplace; this woman has a relationship with a wealthy man as mistress for years, and she slept (zina) with this man many times, liked to drink wine, clubbing and dress sexy. This intimate emotion relationship has lead the wealthy man to give her money but he didn't want to marry her. This woman wanted.. More
What is the wisdom behind the creation of ‘Eesa (Jesus), may Allaah exalt his mention, without a father?.. More
Do Decree and Fate determine one’s wife or is it his choice? .. More
If everything has already been predestined by Allaah, then what is man’s role in marriage and the like?.. More
I failed in the baccalaureate exams and this caused me a great deal of grief. One night after I had been crying my eyes out, I saw a man with light on his face looking at me. What is the interpretation of this?.. More
Is everything predetermined before it happens?.. More
Is it predestined that every man will marry a specific woman? If yes, is there still a need to look for a wife?.. More
How is the individual held accountable and punished in this worldly life by the authorities, for example for something that Allaah has decreed upon him. As long as Allaah has decreed such a sin or mistake on him, why should he be punished?.. More
Assalamualaikum ... Does death of loved one considered a punishment or calamity because of my ignorance towards Allah's instructions and committing sins?.. More
somebody stolen the money of a person,even if that person was paying zakaah regularly on his money,gold,etc.then what is your opinion,why this money has been stolen?.. More
What is the difference between Decree and Predestination, are they interchangeable? Please give examples to illustrate. .. More
Sometimes I fear the future despite the fact that I have a good profession. How should I tackle such feelings? .. More
As salaamu alaykum. My question is I hear muslims saying good luck and this person was lucky and things like this. And I have been trying to find the ruling on luck in Islam because it has always bothered me. I feel that saying that a person is lucky or something happened on luck takes away from Allah and the fact that all things come from Him. However.. More
Why Allaah created in (Shikandi) means not male or not female like peoples but look like male what purpose Allaah created I'm from India in Kerala. .. More
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