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If a man suffers from a calamity and does not show patience by objecting to and expressing discontent with this Decree within himself and wanting to change it at any cost, but he cannot, will this cause the anger of Allaah The Almighty? Does Allaah The Almighty reward one for his suffering whether or not he shows patience?.. More
Is it permissible to say “What an irony of fate!”?.. More
As-Salaamu ‘Alaykum,
What is the difference between Fate and Divine Decree?
Please provide examples to clarify the meaning.
Are they subject to change? .. More
Assalaamu ‘Alaykum,
When we were studying in India, some colleagues, may Allaah guide them, would say, “Even Hell is better than India!” whenever they faced any difficulty. Some of them even used to swear saying, “By Allaah, Hell is better than this torment!”
What is your opinion regarding these phrases and those who utter them?.. More
What is the ruling on the saying, “Draw the course of your life by yourself”? Does it not denote ignoring the will of Allaah?.. More
Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {Whoever Allaah sends astray— there is no guide for him.} He also Says (what means): {And whoever Allah guides— for him there is no misleader.}
Therefore, even if we observe the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law) we will not be guided unless Allaah The Almighty wants this, therefore why are we held accountable for.. More
Please explain the Hadeeth where the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, was asked by a man about the value of deeds if everything was predestined by Allaah the Almighty, and the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, told him that when Allaah created a slave for Paradise, he enabled him to observe the deeds of the people of Paradise, so.. More
Is man driven by predestination or free to choose his actions? If he is driven to do what he does, then why should he be punished for doing things that he did not do out of his own will?.. More
I was about to be engaged to a rich man; however, the engagement was suddenly broken off for reasons that I did not know. Perhaps the reason behind it was that some of my relatives conveyed to the woman who mediated in the engagement an incorrect image about my attitude towards him. Is it permissible for me to search for the reasons behind my engagement.. More
Was man's fate recorded before his creation? Would supplication change this? .. More
We were once discussing the issue of whether man is driven or free to choose his actions and we came up with three different scenarios:
1- Man is more free to choose than driven in his actions.
2- There is no specific ratio between the two.
3- Man is more driven than free to choose.
Which of these opinions is the soundest? Is it a debatable issue.. More
Is the woman one is meant to marry predetermined before his creation?.. More
Are objection to and dissatisfaction with the decree of Allaah The Exalted considered acts of Kufr (disbelief)? If yes, what is the expiation for this?.. More
I am a 21 year old girl. I have a strong desire for getting married, and this has had a negative effect on my psychological state. What should I do?
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I am always anxious. When my mother takes my sister to school I become worried because I fear that she might have a car accident. My mother had a car accident last year which only made my obsession grow worse. What is your advice?
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You can search for fatwa through many choices