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2405 fatwas

  • Using money collected to build a mosque for tsunami victims

    We have gathered money for mosque building in Japan, and because of tsunami disaster we ask if it is possible to assign that money to help people in Indonesia?.. More

  • Lazy performing prayers

    Sometimes I am lazy in performing prayers. Is it permissible for me to do prayers by sitting at that time?.. More

  • Knowing when our prayers are accepted by Allaah

    How do you know your Salaat has been accepted Allaah? The jinni is always working against me sometimes Haraam stuff will pop in my head most of the time I manage to defeat so; I think my 'Eemaan is not that strong what will make my 'Eemaan so strong that I will not lose to Jinni. .. More

  • Joining prayers while not traveling

    Can a Muslim who lives in the area where he is praying i.e. not traveling join Maghrib and 'Ishaa prayers and pray 'Ishaa in advance with Maghrib. Nothing that it was raining, or snowing and the Imaam announced to all people that 'Ishaa will be prayed Qasr for travelers and those who are not traveling should complete 'Ishaa to four Raka's... More

  • Difficulty praying in congregation due to distance to mosque

    I understand that praying in congregation in a mosque is Waajib. However, the nearest mosque to my house is about 10 minutes drive (sometimes more if the roads are busy) and I do not hear the Athaan. I sometimes find that time does not allow me to do my Asr in the mosque then come home and then return for Maghrib because of the distance... More

  • Prostration of recitation according to Hanafi

    I wish to know whether ablution is necessary for "prostration of recitation" or not? Please do mention the standpoint of Hanafi Madhab on this matter. .. More

  • Husband and wife praying in the same room

    If a husband and a wife are praying at the ends of the room, then should the wife still stand a little behind the husband?.. More

  • Hair style for prayer

    Is it permissible to pray Salat whilst ones hair is tied up in a bun? I wear my hair in bun at the nape of my neck because my husband likes it that way, and also as it is practical, if I leave it down it shows beneath my knee length prayer scarf. However, I was told my prayer is invalid due to my hair style! I must add the bun is not hugely.. More

  • Method of praying

    What are the textual evidences to prove that Imaam should recite aloud in the first two Raka'h of Maghrib, Ishaa, and Fajr and remain silent in other prayers? .. More

  • Offering prostration for thankfulness during menses

    I want to know that can a menstruating woman during the period of her menses offer the Sajdah (prostration) of thank to Allaah. Please reply me with reference to Hadeeth as soon as possible... More

  • Missed two Raka'h of Asr prayer

    One day I was traveling and I went to the Masjid to pray Asr. Because I was late to the congregation, I caught only the last Raka'h. After the Imaam said the salaam I got up and pray only 1 more Raka'h. Was my prayer valid or should I have prayed 3 more Raka'h? .. More

  • Missed two Rak'ahs of congregational Asr prayer while he was travelling

    One day I was travelling and I went to the Masjid to pray Asr. Because I was late to the congregation, I caught only the last Raka'h. After the Imam said the salaam I got up and pray only 1 more Raka'h. Was my prayer valid or should I have prayed 3 more Raka'h? .. More

  • Way to perform night prayer

    My question is, do I have to pray at midnight and over to be considered as Qyam-allail? If just I wake up at night and do some Tasbeeh, is this also as Qyam-allail? If so, do I have to be in a full Tahara (purification) Wudu? .. More

  • Proper way of offering the prayers

    For some days I'm offering Salat at home because the Imaam is a blind follower of a particular Madhab. He renounced those who say Aameen loud at the end of Surah Faatihah, and raise hands before Ruku' and Sujood. Ironically enough he claimed these Sunnah acts as innovation while redeemed himself standing on the right path of Sunnah, though he.. More

  • Decorating the Masjid for 'Eed

    What is the ruling on decorating the Masjid for 'Eed? We would like to show some excitement in our 'Eed, to show our children that we too (Muslims) celebrate great holidays. Since a lot of our activities and events are held in our Masjid, what is permitted to do in the Masjid to show our 'Eed is a celebration. Please respond quickly, because.. More