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2405 fatwas

  • Night workers have problems making prayers and fasting

    I work as a night auditor in a hotel, from 11pm-7am. I know there are other Muslims who similarly work 'graveyard' shifts. As we end up having to sleep in the day, how does it affect fasting for Ramadan? I just read a Fatwa by Dr. Ajeel An-Nashmi that if a person loses consciousness till after Maghrib, the fast is invalidated. But if he gains.. More

  • Women praying in congregation led by a woman

    I am asking again the same question. A group of women pray only Taraaweeh not 'Ishaa Salat at home and Qur'aan Hafiz lead the Taraaweeh, they all make one raw and perform Taraaweeh Salat like a Jamaa't. They all want to finish reading a Qur'aan in this way. Is it acceptable according to Sunnah or not? I will appreciate of your time and reply... More

  • Joining the congregation at different times for prayers

    1) How many Taraweeh did Prophet Mohammed, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, observed in the month of Ramadan? 2) I have not observed Thuhr 1:30 prayer and I came inside the Masjid and I find out that 'Asr pray have stated what I suppose to do should I join the Jamaa'h, with what intention? 3) I have prayed 7pm (Maghrib) in my working place in.. More

  • Joining the congregational prayer in the Rukoo' position

    How should one join the congregational prayer if it is in the Rukoo' stage? Can we just say the 'Takbeer' and take the Rukoo' position, or do we also have to say "Subhaanak Allaahumma wa Bihamdika ..." and then take the Rukoo' position?.. More

  • Making intention during Taraaweeh prayers

    Do you make intention (Niyyah) for 20 Raka'as Taraaweeh, at once or every Raka'as. .. More

  • Outer covering of women praying

    Do women have to be wearing an over garment to make Salat? I understand that women must cover their hair to make Salat, but can I make Salat wearing a nightgown and if so does it have to be made a certain way? .. More

  • Qunut during Ramadan

    I heard that if you do not make Qunoot (du'a) either in the last rak'a of Taraweeh or in salat alwitr every night of Ramadan you are required to make sujood al-Shuoo, is that true?.. More

  • Matters of Tahajjud prayer

    Should the Surah in Tahajjud prayer be recited loudly? Is Qunoot in the last Raka'h Sunnah or Fardh? i.e. if we forget to recite Qunoot do we have to do sujoodussaahwah? Hope you will answer this question. .. More

  • Taraaweeh prayer during Ramadan

    I have 3 questions about Ramadhaan according to Hanafi Madhab. I had an argument with a friend about these topics recently. 1. I know to go for Taraaweeh is not Fardh on anyone but Sunnah, but can you tell me the benefits for men to go to the Masjid and pray? 2) Is it necessary for Muslims to finish the Qur'aan during Ramadhaan? 3) And last,.. More

  • Praying on a rug with a picture of Masjid Al-Haraam

    I asked you several questions and received answers from you. Now I have another question about prayingRukoo' (Sajadah). On of our Muslim brothers read an Islaamic book recently and learnt it is prohibited to pray on a Sajadah which pattern on it is like Masjid Al-Haraam. After reading that brother suspicious of that and let me ask you about.. More

  • Taraaweeh prayers

    1) Taraaweeh prayer is there any Hadeeth that indicates that whole Qur'aan should be recited in these prayers? 2) Isn't better to recite few Surah slowly and with Khushou', than the whole Juz' and fast and sometimes nobody understands anything .. More

  • Rewards when arriving for Friday prayer

    I understand that it is preferable to go to the mosque even before Adhaan and it entails huge reward. But the narration says that the angels stop writing down after the Imaam rises on the pulpit and the Adhaan is given. This seems to suggest that there is no reward for persons who come after Adhaan and your answer to one of the previous.. More

  • Confused about innovations in a Bralwiya mosque

    I have two questions: 1) The mosque I go to, to read Qur'aan I think is a Bralwiya mosque. There is a man there they call Peer Saab, and they say he controls the jinn, and knows when one is lying and telling the truth, just by placing his hand over their forehead. And also they celebrate something they call Meelaad an-Nabi, where.. More

  • Dealing in Ribaa and leading the prayers in Ramadan

    If a Muslim deals in Ribaa in his business, can he lead the prayers in a mosque in Ramadhaan?.. More

  • Prayers of the traveler

    I was on a recent business trip where my flight left the country of my residence at 9:00 am on a Saturday. I arrived at my destination 2 hours later and proceeded to shortening my prayers and joining them for the duration of my trip. My trip ended on Wednesday, which according to my count means I stayed 4 days and 4 nights away from.. More