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2405 fatwas

  • Dhikr included in the Ruku'

    In the Rukoo, can I recite "Subhaana Rabbiyal 'Atheem" (3 times), as well as "Suboohun Qudoos Rabbul-Malaa'ikati War-Rooh" (once), if time permits? Please advise, with supporting Hadeeth, if possible. .. More

  • When to say Aameen

    Is it Sunnah to say "Aameen" after each and every Du'aa made by the Imaam, or just to say it once, at the end of all the Du'aas? Please advise, with supporting Hadeeth, if possible. .. More

  • Woman making I'tikaf during Ramadan

    May a woman have I'tikaaf in the Ramadan? I want stay a night with the permission of my husband in the Mosque in Ramadan. Is this allowed in Islam?.. More

  • Women doing I'tikaf at home

    Can women do I'tikaf at home? Is the reward the same for women praying Qiyam in the mosque as women doing Nawafil prayer in the house even if they are able to go to the mosque to do Qiyam which is long prayer? Also, can the Eid prayer, Jumu’a prayer, and Tarawih prayers be prayed at home? Is their reward the same? Third: as the Eid prayer, Jumu’a.. More

  • Reward for prayers

    Sir in ordinary days and Ramadhaan days how many times we will get more benefit 1 is to 10 or 1 is to 70. See in India the people use to says if we pray one Raka's Salat then we will get 70 times more but in Arab countries use to says only 10 times more which one is true. As well if we pray in Madeenah how many Darja we will get more and in.. More

  • Khateeb does not sit during interval in Friday prayer

    I would like to thank you so much for this website to help all the human being all over the world. My question is our Imaam of Friday Prayer (Jumu'a Prayer) does not use something to sit down when he is having a rest and doing Du'aa between the first part of the speech and the second part. So is it obligation that he should use even chair to.. More

  • Women carrying children while praying

    Could you please elaborate on the etiquettes of women praying with kids? What is the evidence for women carrying kids while praying? Is there any difference in this etiquette for Fard vs. Nafl Salat, or for Jama'a vs. solo Salat?.. More

  • Numbers of Rak'ahs in Taraweeh prayer

    On what bases do the leaders of Masjid Al-Haraam and Nabawi offer twenty Rak’ahs when there is clear Hadeeth of Aa'ishah, may Allah be pleased with her, which says that the Prophet, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam, never offered more than eight Rak’ahs regardless of any month? .. More

  • Prayed in a line that was in front of the Imaam leading the prayer

    I prayed Maghrib prayer in a mosque. As the mosque was completely filled, I along with some other persons prayed in an open room which is attached to mosque (within the mosque, i.e. in between both rooms there is a wall) where we can hear voice of the Imaam. Later, we came to know that the line in which we prayed is ahead of the line where.. More

  • Direction of the eye during the Tashahhud

    Where should we look at when we are reciting the Tashahhud (Attahyaat)? Please advise, with supporting Hadeeth, if possible. .. More

  • Praying Fard prayers in Jama'a with one's wife

    Can we pray with our wives in Jama'a (Fard prayers) if any of the prayers were missed in the mosque due to sleeping or some other reasons. .. More

  • Women's dress when praying

    If shirt's sleeves are short but it covers with long "Chadar" then the Namaaz will offered or not?.. More

  • Combining Thuhr and 'Asr at home when it is raining

    Can me combining Thuhr and 'Asr alone at the home when it is raining? Please evidence from Qur'aan or Hadeeth. .. More

  • Stating intention before the prayers

    First of all I thank all of you work for Islaam say Allaah gives your dies and good reward. I am 13 years old. I want ask you these 2 questions. If I did not pray today Salaatul Asar and tomorrow I make Qadhah so, what word I say: DoI sayusually Fardh al-Salatul Qasr Qadhah? Or I say something else? 2) Tell me how I can say when 'Eed Fitr.. More

  • Recitation of Taraaweeh prayer

    Could you please tell me if you can read Taraaweeh prayer in four Raka'h at a time as well as two? Or do you have to read in only two Raka'h at a time?.. More