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2405 fatwas

  • Wearing a cap during prayer

    What is the ruling about wearing a cap (generally white with holes) during prayer? .. More

  • Unable to wake up for prayers

    I am really worried about my routine of life in these days. I have not been able to say my Asr and Maghrib prayers due to sleeping. I do say my Fajr prayer regularly almost, but at coming back from college I cannot control myself when I am at bed. During this I try to wake up but I am no been able to do this even trying my level best. My physical.. More

  • Qualities of an Imaam

    1) Is the person who works in a bank (working on interest) eligible for Immamat? 2) Can a person whose parents have married without the consent of their guardians lead the Muslims in prayer (Namaz)?.. More

  • Women and prayers

    I have few questions please reply soon, 1) Can women do Imaamat? 2) Can women do prayer behind a man in same room? 3) How many Raka'h in Jumu'a prayer? (I am living in UAE. Here everyone do 4 Sunnah, 2 Fardh, 2 Sunnah), but in Pakistan we do 4 Sunnah, 2 Fardh, 4 Sunnah, 2 Sunnah, 2 Nafilah) which is correct? Please tell with the reference.. More

  • Medical difficulties with prayer

    I am haemodialysis patient when time for Salaat comes I have either undo nor do I face Qiblah. Shall I wait and pray when I come home or shall I perform Tayammum with right hand that I have free and pray without facing Qiblah... More

  • Friday worship in the mosques

    When a Muslim goes to the Mosque on Friday to worship, what happens in that worship service? What I asking is: How long does the service last? What do people do and when? Do you sing songs? Does everyone worship together? Can different Mosques do different things in their worship?.. More

  • Passing in front of a praying person

    My question is regarding 'Umrah. I understand that it is not permitted to walk in front of someone who is praying Salah, and if someone was to walk in front of my Sutrah then I am to stop them from crossing my path. Due to the large crowds at Hajj and 'Umrah time, where passing in front of people praying is almost inevitable, should I still stop.. More

  • Difficult making up for thousands of missed prayers

    Tell me that I'm 35 years and have some fatty body, I'm praying my Qadha prayers, as they are in thousands in number, so I do pray these by sitting and by Ishaara, as I'm bulky so could not perform so many prayers well, can it is allowed me to pray these prayers by Ishaara, I'm praying some time 50 prayers, as now Ramadhaan is going, and.. More

  • Missed three consecutive Friday prayers

    If Allaah has sealed my heart for not praying three consecutive Jumu'ah, will he forgive me if I do Du'a'? I want to by heart some parts of the Qur'an--will it be accepted? .. More

  • The fear prayer

    How to pray the fear prayer? .. More

  • Night prayers during Ramadan

    I do pray Salat Qiyaam Al-layl at mosque for eight Raka'h plus 3 Raka'h of Salat Al-Witr every night. Now I want also to pray Salat al-Tahajjud at mid night because of the last 10 days of Ramadhaan so can you tell me how many Raka'h can I pray for these two times?.. More

  • A lady performing her Taraaweeh prayer in her home

    I have three questions: First, which one is better a lady to perform her Taraaweeh prayer in the mosque or in her home? Second, I am a busy mum I pray my Taraaweeh prayer at late hours in evening like 10:00 or 11:00. Is that allowed my third question? Does Tasbeeh prayer have Tashahhud? The four Raka's do I have to pray all of it together.. More

  • Women praying Taraaweeh in congregation

    Question No. 250027. The answer I got is not for my question. Let me make it more clear. For example there are ten girls, two of them are Haafiza. They pray at one of the Haafiza's house. They arrange a single row, now one of the Haafiza reside Qur'aan loudly so everybody can hear during Taraaweeh like a Jamaa'. Other Haafiza listened and.. More

  • Making up prayers during Ramadan

    Sir following us the description of my thought so please guide me here (the meaning of Hadeeth). "The person who will observe fast and will try to satisfy Allaah; is forgiven by Allaah as he has not committed any sin before and will get 70 to 700% more benefit what of one virtue in Ramadhaan." Now according to Hadeeth 1 virtue = 70 to 700 (in.. More

  • The Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, raising his hands during the prayer

    Tell me some Hadeeth of Rafa' Al-Yadayn is this correct that Prophet, sallallaahu alayhi wa sallam, Wassala left Rafa' Al-Yadayn in his last days or last time. Is this true from Abdullaah Ibn Mas'ood or Anas bin Maalik Sahabas? In Saheeh Muslim that Prophet didn't Rafa' Al-Yadayn in later period of his life. .. More