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2405 fatwas

  • Women praying Friday prayer in separate room in the mosque

    There is a mosque in the city where I live; it has two buildings, one for men and the other for women. These two buildings are close together separated by a narrow walking path and a small lawn. The buildings are in the same lot. The women's section has a mike to hear the Imam, but they do not have a view of the Imam neither can they see the rows.. More

  • Non-Muslims entering mosques

    Is it permissible for non Muslims - male or female to enter mosques in order to see it or learn about Islam?.. More

  • Reading Qur'an from the mobile in prayer

    Is allowed to read Quran from mobile during praying in case the mobile is not activated I mean there is no network or sim card. .. More

  • Can Imam offers prayers in Mihrab?

    In all of the mosques in our country, the Imam spreads his prayer mat in the Mihrab keeping a little portion on the first line. The idea is that the Imam should not stay completely inside the Mihrab. As per fatwa written by a very prominent Muslim scholar Ashtray Ali Thanvi in his book "Beheshti Jeor" staying of imam inside the Mihrab completely.. More

  • Participating in the Qunut prayer with the Imam

    What is the ruling of Imaam reciting Qunut in prayer, and the followers say "we testify", "O, Allaah", "Truly", and raise both their handswhile saying the above words? Are there any authentic Qur'aanic verses or Hadeeth supporting this act? Please clarify with details?.. More

  • Help to wake up for Fajr prayer

    My question is: What should I do to get up to perform the Salat of Fajr. I have tried many times but I am still not able to... More

  • Reward of Prayers and Voluntary Fasting

    1. What is the exact reward for praying all five prayers on time with all the Sunan Rawatib -and can you please tell me exactly how many Rak'ahs there are after each prayer 2. What is the reward for voluntary fasting? 3. What is the reward for learning Quran by heart? .. More

  • Prohibition of praying at sunrise and sunset

    I have been asked this question by a non-Muslim who is studying ISLAM. She wants to know why we cannot pray at certain times for example during sunrise and sunset? Please advise. Thank you... More

  • Praying Only on Jumu'ah

    I see some people around me, who pray only in Friday's -Jumu'ah. Is this a good thing to do? Someone told me, if you don't pray 5 times a day, better not to pray in Friday alone. Is this correct to do? What did Prophet say about people who pray only on Friday? .. More

  • Praying in his own home rather than in the home of a single woman

    The main reason I am writing to you is below: I am a married Muslim with two daughters and an adolescent sister. I live in a fenced community where there are two other neighbors who are Muslims and one non-Muslim. The distance from our home to the mosque is 1 km. We can't go for Morning prayers because we fear for our life lest we might be hurt... More

  • Praying Tahajjud in Jama'ah

    My question is about tahajjud in jamah when we go for camping programs. We wake up and pray together. But some are presently against it even when we prove that the companions on different occasions prayed with the companions non-obligatory prayers... More

  • Confused about prayer time in Belgium

    I have a concern about the Fajr and Isha prayer times in Belgium. We are obliged to make the Isha prayer at 01.25 at night and the Fajr 01.55 at night. How can it be, that the Fajr prayer is almost 4 hours before sunrise And the Isha is 3.5 hours after the Maghrib? I have read, the Fajr is just 2 hours before sunrise and Isha 1.5 hours after.. More

  • Performing ‘Ishaa’ prayer before its fixed time begins

    I live in a country where the 'Isha prayer is very late (23.40), and the Fajr prayer is very early (02.40). I have heard that it is possible to combine the Maghrib and the 'Isha prayer, if one has to get early up in the morning to go to work. Is this true? Is there any fatwa about this issue?.. More

  • Stressing the importance of prayer

    I know many people who have an attitude against prayer. Some say, "I'll pray when I feel ready", or "I will pray on my own intention; I don’t want anyone to tell me when I should start praying. I will feel, spiritually." - I hear the same type of reply with Hijab. How do I tell these people the importance of prayer?.. More

  • Allowing a Christian to pray in the line with Muslims

    At an interfaith gathering at the mosque is it haram or halal to allow a Christian brother to stand in the prayer line with the Muslim brothers and attempt to do the motions?.. More