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2405 fatwas

  • Cannot bend leg in Salat

    I can't bend my right leg, so how can I do Salaat? .. More

  • Form of prayers after returning home for a few days

    I am a student studying abroad in another country. I pray all the prayers in their right time. If I go back to my home for a holiday for a few days, can I pray the prayers Friday and shortening the prayer?.. More

  • The Khutba and Friday prayer

    Is the Friday Khutba fard or Sunnah according to Qur'an and Sunnah. If some one intentionally misses the Khutba but attends the prayer has he completed the salat of Jumu'ah? .. More

  • Raka'h after the Jumu'ah prayer and meaning of Jazakallah

    1. I would like to know how many Sunah Rakah's are to be offered for Jumuah Prayer, growing up I prayed 2 rakah upon entering the mosque and after jamah salat i have prayed 2 rakah and then 2 again but I am unsure as to the significance of the sunah rakahs. If you have already answered this question could you please guide me to the fatwa number? 2... More

  • Questionable Imams in France

    I would like to ask about prayer. Is it permitted in Islam to take someone who does not master the reading of Quran to be an "imam", even if he knows the Quran by heart, he doesn't read the Quran in the right way which lead to the modification of the meaning I am asking you this question because in some mosques there are some imams who do not master.. More

  • Azaan through speakers

    What do Qur'an and Sunnah say about giving Azaanthrough the speakers? Is it allowed? Jazak Allah.. More

  • Repeating her prayer after finding some hair exposed

    I know that a woman must cover her hair when praying. I try to cover it the best I can before I pray. However, sometimes a short hair slips out while praying, that I usually notice afterwards. I am wondering if I have to repeat my prayer again. I have been repeating the prayers, but it is making praying very cumbersome (esp. because I have small.. More

  • Praying Istikharah while in menses

    Is it permissible for a woman in menses to pray Istikharah?.. More

  • Missing congregational prayer to avoid contaminating people

    Assalamu Alaykom, Lately I felt that I got the flu but it was in its initial stages so I was still feeling ok.... is it permissible for me not to attend the congregational prayer on the basis that I might contaminate the people in the Masjid??.. More

  • Praying according to Makkah

    Can I pray according the Makkah's mean time and I live in Amsterdam?.. More

  • Prayer of the traveler

    I came to UK to study about four years ago. I hope next year I will finish it. Apart from that I married. Now I have been with my husband for nearly three years. My husband like me is from East Africa. He came here before me. I have a doubt in praying. I heard that since I have an intention of returning home with my husband, I can pray Salat.. More

  • Reciting the Salah aloud when alone, Days the Prophet fasted

    Is right to read out by yourself in Salah in Fajr, Maghrib and Isha out loud when the time is for Salah. Does the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) fast on every Mondays and Thursdays.. Is it sunnah to grow your hair .. More

  • Praying after Fajr

    Is the time of Ishraaq's prayer begins 1 hour and 40 minutes after the time of Fajr? Can you perform any optional or Fard Salah in this time? Can you recite or make any Zikr during this time?.. More

  • Confused about the correctness of his prayer

    One day I was performing Fajr prayer together with some brothers, and I follow the Hanafi Madhab; however, about 2/3 hours later, it went through my mind that I made a wrong Niyyah. Since in the Hanafi Fiqh we have to say "Aqtedeytu Bihazal Imam" when we follow Imam, now I don't know for sure if I forgot these words, it only came to my mind.. More

  • Permissible Istikharah

    For whom is Istikharah permissible? Is it permissible to do Istikharah for an unknown person who is very far away from us in any part of this world? The person doing Istikharah do not know the name of the person for whom he does Istikharah, but seeks his name, and then seek guidance whether he has been bewitched? This is described on a TV program.. More