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2405 fatwas

  • Missing Fajr prayer in congregation due to late night work

    I live near a mosque withina five-minute walk, but I cannot hear the Azan because it is not announced over a loudspeaker. Here in this multi-racial society the government will not allow others (Kafirun) to be disturbed. It is compulsory for me to go to the mosque for congregational prayers 5 times daily. What are thevirtues of congregational prayers?.. More

  • Praying Jumu’ah in congregation

    According to a famous Hadith, on the day of Jumu’a (Friday)one should reach the mosque as soon as possible and as time goes by the Thawab (reward) becomes less and less and once the Imam stands up the angels close their book and anyone entering after that does not getrewardedfor Jumu’a. Under these circumstances what about those who enter.. More

  • Husband does not pray

    I hereby write in request for an answer to a question that has been crossing my mind lately and I need some guidance for this is a serious matter and I need help. 3 years ago, I got married to my cousin whom I fell in love with and still do al-Hamdu Lillah, and one of the reasons that made me agree to bind with him through marriage was.. More

  • Fighting a Muslim in the mosque

    What is the ruling on fighting a Muslim brother in the Masjid?.. More

  • Turning Off a Cell Phone During Prayer

    In the Hanafi School of jurisprudence, we can't do anything during the prayer (Salah) which shows that we are not in Salah. So if one's cell phone rings during Salah, can he pull it out of his pocket and turn it off according to Hanafi School of jurisprudence? Please give me a detailed answer. .. More

  • Giving up prayers

    I would like to know if there is any Hadith, saying that, we should not make funeral prayer ofa person whowas not praying in his life... More

  • Recitation of Qur'an in the prayers

    In all prayers Fard, Sunnah, Nafil it is compulsory to recite three verses of the Holy Qur’an. My question is, is the three verses to be recited in each Rak’ah or divided into other Rak’ah. For example, in Fard prayers are the three verses to be recited in each Rak’ah or in two Rak’ah? .. More

  • Talking after Iqamah

    Is it allowed to open unnecessary talk after prayer's Iqamat before the Imam begins to pray?.. More

  • A peculiar practice after Tasleem ending the prayer

    What is the ruling on a person who after praying (Tasleem) blows on to his thumbs, wipes his eyes, and holds his head with right hand while saying something? Is there any authentic Hadith or support for this behavior?.. More

  • Entering a mosque with shoes

    I have been interested in attending an Islamic Church for years now but have been afraid of offending the faith and my hosts at the Mosque because I am unable to remove my shoes as I have a disability that requires me to wear shoes and leg brace at all times... is there any advice on how I may work around this without offending the faith or my.. More

  • Delaying the Prayer and Performing It Later

    What is the punishment for missing the Salah occasionally and replacing it later (Qazah)? .. More

  • Claims that studies conflict with prayers

    I am non-studying in the 12th grade. This means that I have to study much harder. My question is how could I study more and yet take care of my prayers and other acts of worship? Can, for instance, pray only 8 Rak'ah in Taraweeh and go back to studying, or should I pray 40 Rak'ah and neglect studying?.. More

  • Celebrating ‘Eed on ‘Eed Days

    Can we celebrate any of the Eid days on any other day? For example I am member of Muslim Community in our area and whenever the day of Eid arrives we all come to pray and do the hugging but that’s it. Now mostly we all go work and then comes Sunday or Saturday after the Eid day and we all celebrate Eid by calling on Eid party. I never felt comfortable.. More

  • Time for Salat-ul-Jumah (Friday Prayer)

    Canthe Salat-ul-Jumu’abe performedat the time of Salat-ul-Asr?My friend argues that the Jumu’a is for the gathering of the Ummah, so we can do it by that time when people will be free from their work. Replyfrom Qur’an or Sunnah... More

  • Say the Iqamah when conducting prayers alone

    1)I have heard the virtues of reciting the following Surahs: Yasin, Al-Baqarah,Al-'Imran,Al- Mulk,As-Sajdah, Ad-Dukhan,Al-Fatihah, Al-Waqiah,Ar-Rahman,Al-Muzzammil,and the last three Surahs, as well as'Ayat-ul-Kursi.' Please tell me other Surahs with the virtues so thatI may recite them and tell others. 2)Do you have to say the Iqamah when.. More