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2405 fatwas

  • Shortening the prayer

    I'm an Indian residing in Oman. I happened to see one of my Omani friends who was praying 2 Raka'h for Thuhar, I asked the reason why she was praying not as normally 4 Raka'h. She answered me her hometown is 12 km far from where we are working, so she is pray 2 Raka'h Thuhr and even for Asr also. I'm confused now, so now how I have to pray 2 Raka'h.. More

  • Can not go to Friday prayer

    I own a pharmacy in California USA. It is very hard to find a pharmacist to take my place on Friday. The Masjid is 20 miles a way and it takes me 30 minutes to get there. I can no longer close the pharmacy and go to Friday prayer. Is this acceptable to miss the prayer? Or do I have to close the pharmacy? .. More

  • A man praying with women and young boys

    If there be a man three women and two 12 years-old boys can they pray there Salaat with Jamaa't?.. More

  • Fard prayers for the sick person

    I want to find out if the Fard prayers for a sick person is different from the regular person, Please let me know... More

  • 'Eed greetings

    I have heard that to say 'Eed Mubaarak on 'Eed day, this is Bida'a and therefore Haraam. Please can you clarify this for me?.. More

  • Gaps in the prayer rows

    Salat is the only ritual left with the Muslim Ummah which they offer in a state of complete discipline. But lately I have seen a trend especially in those of the Arab origin that when they stand for Salat they keep their feet very wide apart to the extent that there is a very wide gap between those offering Salat. At the time of Sajdah they.. More

  • Illegitimate child leading the prayer

    Dear scholars, I am a revert to Islaam and I married a Muslim man, I was told that Islaam does not allow an illegitimate child to lead the prayer for fellow worshippers, i.e.: he cannot be Imaam. Could you please comment on that issue and if possible provide me with Daleel... More

  • Making up for missed prayers in the Hereafter

    After Judgment if a Muslim intentionally missed some prayers, and didn't repent for that will he have to pray them while on boiling oil?.. More

  • Has many missed prayers to make up for

    My father has been praying Qada' (Missed) prayers for the prayers he missed in his grocery job. He works with two persons in his grocery store (he doesn't own the grocery store). His boss yells at him when he keeps the door closed at a small room to pray (since there are many customers).Everyone gets mad (the customers) since my dad is looking forward.. More

  • Praying alone or in congregation in the mosque

    Is it considered asin if you do not pray Jumu'ah" in the Masjid and pray alone at home without strong reason that stops you from going to the Mosque. So if it is not a sin is it 'Makrooh' or what? Please in the message that you are going to send, mention the name of the scholar that answers my question... More

  • Validity of prayers made on floors above the Imam leading the prayers

    In our Town, there's a mosque being renovated which at the same time acts as the Muslim supreme council. It is a two storey building, which means that the Imam leads prayers from the ground floor and when it's full the rest pray from the first and top floor. In between the Imam, those on the first floor and the ones on top are barriers and they.. More

  • Combining and shortening his prayers

    I have two concerns regarding combining and shortening prayers "Jama and qasr".1.I have to travel to work 4 times a week for 85km and want to know if I'm permitted to combine an shorten Zuhr and Asr at work on these days. 2-Sometimes I go some areas where there is no mosque for most of the day and that results in missing Asr prayer I combine Zuhr.. More

  • Breaking one's Wudu and trying to make Friday prayer in Jumu'ah

    1. If one misses the Jumu'ah (Friday prayer) service due to passing of wind, can he go to another mosque to observe the prayer? 2. What is Islamic Fiqh? .. More

  • Praying while standing or sitting to save time

    I work as a security guard and some of the prayer times will be while I am at work and I can't pray them. Can I pray standing or sitting so I will not lose the time? Thanks.. More

  • Nawafil after obligatory prayers

    Regarding the Sunnah and Nafil Salaats that we offer before and after every Fardh with Jama'ah: are we allowed to offer four raka'as of Sunnah or Nafil salaats with one Salaam and two Tashahhud (sitting) or is it compulsory to offer all the salaats in two raka'as only? Please answer according to the Sunnah. .. More