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1049 fatwas

  • Husband is lax in practice of Islam

    I married an American 11 years ago. When I met him I wasn't wearing hijab. Five years ago I started to practice and my husband since then ignores me in public. He would just take the children out and he used to pray from time to time and in juma but not any more.My question is it ok to stay with such a man like this? I don't want to upset my parents.. More

  • Men who do housework

    Are men allowed to do housework if there is a necessity like cooking, washing, babysitting, etc? There are some men who think that this is the work of women and they make fun of those men who do it. They think men who do housework are not masculine and have the qualities of women. What does Islam say about this? Did our beloved Prophet Muhammad.. More

  • Husband and wife do not talk to each other

    I don't talk to my husband for many reasons (he's unfaithful, he's absent all day since about 5 years and he strikes my 3 children and me...) for 4 months now. In fact, he hasn't talked to me since 4 months, and I also don't want to have any good thing with him. Is it Haram to continue not talking to each another? I think in Islam the man has to take.. More

  • Treat your wives honourably

    My friend's husband told my friend that it is permissible for a husband to be mad and keep silent from his wife for a few days but it is not permissible for a wife to stay mad or keep silent at the husband. According to him, the wife although she is angry, has to pretend to be happy and continue her job as a wife. I am not pleased with his answer as.. More

  • How to deal with a disobedient husband

    I got married five months ago and I really love my husband a lot.On my part it is pure and unconditional. I don't spend his money on myself and Idon't buy myself anything as he says some women are only nice to their husbands for their money. That is the only reason I don't spend his money on myself. But as we don't live in a Muslim country and.. More

  • Limits of relationship with non-Muslims

    Is it okay to have a Christian teacher or friend? I look forward to your answer. .. More

  • Kinship relations

    My mother died and she wasn't satisfied with her brothers. Now if I get the full story about the problem and find out that she was right in her stand what should I do? Do I forgive my uncles or not?.. More

  • He wants to cut ties of kinship

    My brother during a heated argument with the other family members say "I will only come to this house until Mother alive and I do not need brothers and sisters anymore in my life. When I die 4 men is enough to bury me". Can a Muslim with Iman say these things? This person is thinking that he perfect and pure. Please advise with regards to Quran.. More

  • Severing kinship ties is a major sin

    I really hate my younger brother who during aquarrel asked me to get out of the house by screaming. I think he is a hypocrite who thinks he is good and pure. I really miss my mother whom I liked very much. For the past 5 years or so I did not visit her as she is residing with him. I really can't stand him at all who thinks he is pious. He does.. More

  • How to deal with a disobedient father

    I need your advice on how I should handle my problems with my father. I am a young man who follows the Salafi manhaj and still lives with his parents. Although he prays, my father is a disobedient Muslim: he does not pray in the Masjid and rather watch TV and pray at home when he feels like it. He does not ordain his daughters, which are my sisters,.. More

  • Sowing dissension among family members

    What are the punishments for people who are happy when other families are having strained relations? These hypocrites are talking at both sides to further the anger of family members. Sorry to say they are double headed snakes... More

  • Restriction placed by a step-father on his step-child

    If a girl did something really bad that could not be forgiven and the girl's step-dad told the girl's little sister that she couldn't see he sister any more, could he do that, not the little girl see her sister anymore? .. More

  • Her husband doesn't pray

    I am a Muslim woman married to an Englishman who converted to Islam. He fasts, pays zakat and is very kind and loving husband, but he doesn't pray. I have given him a choice, either pray or divorce. Am I right?.. More

  • Husband does not pray

    I'm Moroccan married in England 2 years ago. My husband is an English Muslim; he fasted in Ramadan all those 2 years but does not pray. When I tell him about prayers he says, he isn't ready to pray, even if he prays he does so for my sake. I need your answer please what should I do? .. More

  • Joining with non-Muslims for good causes

    Is it allowed to join with atheists and other non-Islamists for the purposes of making a better world, even without trying to convince them of the need for Islam? I think here of groups such as the International Socialist Tendency, who work closely with brothers in the Muslim Brotherhood... More