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1049 fatwas

  • She has deep lasting problems with brother-in-law's wife

    My question is related to family issues. I got married about 5 years ago with an Arab man and since then I accepted Islaam fully, Al-Hamdu Lillaah. The wife of my husband's brother lives near us and since I got marry with my husband I always have had big problems with her. I am finding difficulty to go to see her and my nieces and nephew.. More

  • Iftaar with non-Muslims

    My question is that is it allowed in Islaam to invite a non-Muslim to Iftaar (for breaking the fast) or accept an invitation from a non-Muslim host hosting an Iftaar?.. More

  • Husband refuses to have Iftaar with his wife

    I am a new convert married to a born Muslim. I am wondering what the Qur'aan or Hadeeth say about the husband refusing to take Iftaar from me? What can I do to help him to take Iftaar from me during this Ramadhaan season? I continuously make food and have to throw it out as no one will eat left over in our home. I don't feel well throwing out.. More

  • Etiquette with non-Muslims

    As a Muslim who live among non-Muslim (majority) both at home and at work, how can a Muslim relate with a non-Muslim? Considering the fact that their tradition is not compatible with that of Islaam. For example, shaking hand with especially opposite sex, embarrassing inform of greeting, eating together, etc... More

  • Disagreements between her mother and her fiancé

    I have the following problem. I am engaged and marry in a couple of months. My husband does not earn much for the moment. That does not disturb me, because I go work and earn many, too. My mother is very common for this reason to him. She is not personally commonly to him, but she talks with me over him. If I take it in protection, she becomes.. More

  • Refuses to forgive his brother for bad financial advice

    Due to my brother's advise I invested and the investor cheated me and my brother and others and flied. I am very angry with my brother for this. I will never forgive him and going to have a very strained relations with him forever although Islaam forbids it. By hook or by crook I want him to compensate me as soon as possible. My brother who said.. More

  • Neighbors’ Rights in Islam

    There are many neighbors who are not good, so they think only of their benefits even if they do something good to you. What does Islam think about them? .. More

  • Fed up with the behaviour of father-in-law's friend's wife

    My father-in-law lives in an Arabic country and we live abroad, his closest friend was send for training to the same country we are living in now, he came with his family (wife and kids), my husband told me that we should be very good with them greet them and support them and help them until they get used to the country... More

  • Thinking of disowning his sister who married a non-practising Muslim 10 years ago

    My question is rather complicated and sensitive. My sister is an Arabic Muslim and she fell in love with a non practising Christian. He did not want to get involved in the beginning, but later on he converted into Islaam and they got married. However I can safely say that he only did that to marry her, because I do not see him practising.. More

  • Her husband does not pay support

    I live in Canada and all my family in Egypt and my husband takes low salary it's enough for us exactly and some time our account become by minus. Since I married he give his brother 4000 dollar since three years now and he almost did not pay anything and when we give his brother this money we were not having it we take from loan and we just.. More

  • Strained family relations

    My brother-in-law (my sister's husband) is always creating problem when he comes to any functions at my sister's relatives place. He naturally gets angry and jealous and use sarcastic remarks and insults my brothers or relatives. There was some strained family relations in my family and I am still trying to patch it up but then because of.. More

  • Acting strict against other religions

    My question is why do people act strict against other religions and why do they do that for is it because "they are jealous of them" or just to act cool in front of other people so other people can like them... More

  • His parents want to dominate his family life

    I have a couple of questions regarding relationships. I am sure this would get a bit detail so please bear with me. I recently married (8 months back) and have been blessed by Allaah who gave me such a loving wife. She is all good with me. I have maintained a very friendly relationship with her. She is the best friend of mine. And the same.. More

  • Claims that his mother is extravagant without means except her children's wealth

    My question is in regard to the right of children. Some parent hide behind some Hadeeth to exploit and abuse their children. My mother has this attitude with money and worldly things. She likes to show off by giving money and things other people like me have to give her because as she claimed it is a duty for children to give her what she.. More

  • Problems with parents in-law

    I want to ask about the relation between parents and their son with his wife. And if the son or his wife do some mistakes for his parents, and they insist that they did not do anything wrong, what we can do to solve all problems between them. .. More