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1049 fatwas

  • Visit Your Mother and Respect Your Wife's Rights

    After Allah and the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) is it my parents who command the greatest respect or my wife now that I am married. If I visit my parents alone can I take my child for visiting without my wife's permission or does she have the right to stop me. Do I have the right to leave my wife if she abuses my parents verbally.. More

  • Obey Your Father If The Knowledge Is Not Compulsory

    I want to ask you that my father does not permit me to go to Madinah for study. He says I should become something else, other than a scholar to live a good life. I agree with his opinion but I love very much to study with the great Ulamah of Madinah. Can I go to Madinah without the permission of my father? .. More

  • Dealing with Disbelieving Adulteress Mother

    My child and I as well were Christians; at that time my wife committed adultery. Now my child and myself became Muslim Al-Hamdu Li Allah. Now my child do no want to have any good relations with his mother assuming that if Islamic law had been carried out she would be killed. What is the ruling of Shariah in this concern? .. More

  • Mother and Wife Do Not Get Well With Each Other

    How to discriminate between your wife and your mother: if your mother wants you to leave your wife what do you do? .. More

  • Befriend only righteous people

    In holidays I often stay a long time out of the house. For example: with friends in a casino, club, is that a sin?.. More

  • The house is your husband's not yours

    I'm not sure if I was good to my dad. He came to us to work and he stayed with us, my husband didn't welcome his stay in our house. Obeying my husband and asked dad to leave the house, he left angrily. One year later he passed away, I think he was mad a t me, and I didn't have a chance to ask him for forgiveness. What should I do now? Is there any thing.. More

  • Pious wife in Dunia wife to her pious husband in Paradise

    If the woman is good in Dunia and dies and meets with her husband in Jannah (Paradise) will she be the prettiest than, all the Hooriy in her husband's eyes... More

  • Father Was Not Pleased by Son’s Choice for Marriage

    Lately, My family has been facing a delicate problem. My brother met a nice girl that he likes and wants to marry. However, when my dad met her, they did not get along very well, and therefore he did not approve of her. He did not forbid my brother from marrying her, however he told him, that he would go meet her parents to ask them for their daughter.. More

  • How to repent from disobeying her diseased husband

    Is it Haram when wife don't give her husband intercourse when they are mad at each other if so how can I repent so Allah and my diseased husband can forgive me. We always have good sex just when we get mad we would say I am not going to give u none or he will say same after 2-5 day then we would have it I never liked having sex when I am mad I think.. More

  • Arguing with the Husband

    If one's husband is not very helpful for the wife in all aspects, but is very devoted to his work so much that he ignores children, is it sinful for the wife if she argues about it? Is it sinful to fight with one's husband for the right of his wife? .. More

  • Wife Hiding Information About Her Salary from Her Husband

    I am asking about hiding something from my husband. I told my husband about half the salary that I earn because every pound we have was spent in any thing event if it is not important from my point of view. I want to draw your kind attention that we have a son about one and half years old that need to secure his life and to make the necessary safety.. More

  • Difficulties Living Muslim Life With Parents

    My parents don't let me go to the mosque in general and especially for the Fajr prayer. My father doesn't pray and I can't lead a Muslim life in my situation. What shall I do? .. More

  • A Group Deserting One of Its Members

    We wish to remind you about our request for a comprehensive answer to the case of an active member of a very important Islamic organization who was punished by ordering other members to abstain from saying salaam to him by drawing a comparison between his case and that of those three Sahaba who were punished with the same during prophet Muhammad's life.. More

  • Wife Refuses to Spend Holiday at Husband's Parents’ Home

    Does my wife have the right to refuse to spend some of our holiday in the Middle East at my parent's house because my younger brother got married and still lives with his parents? Previously he had been married to my wife's oldest sister who died last year and left two children. Please help. .. More

  • Remaining angry with a Muslim

    I know it's forbidden to stay angry with another Muslim for more than three days except for a valid reason, so can I stay mad at my sister if she talked about me to her friends behind my back?.. More