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1049 fatwas

  • Problems with Relatives

    (1) How should we deal with relatives who are Muslims in name only don't follow Islam principles, don't pray, fast, etc. (2) I have problem with some of my relatives? When I was small I noticed jealousy and hatred in their hearts for us. As I grew up, my heart has filled with complete hatred for them. I am in such a stage that I don't even want to.. More

  • Friend cheated family

    I had some money problems with my family members. The family problems occurred because of my friend who cheated all of us by saying investment. My two brothers blamed me for their lost of money. I did explained to them honestly but they are not interested in it at all. My mother was very depressed because we, the three sons, were like enemies. I am.. More

  • Difficulties with New Muslim Husband

    My husband is a new Muslim, about five years now; I'm trying hard to teach him more about the Islam. But he still has his ways as a Jahil, for ex: if I said to him I'm going to my uncle's house Saturday, he will reply to do what you want you don't need to tell me where you going, and I don't need to tell you where I'm going. Even something I will say.. More

  • Reciting the Quran or Obeying the Mother

    I want to ask a question. Is what I do good? I pray, and read Qur'an after Maghrib everyday, and try not to do anything that is not good. But my mom always yells allot because we don't wash the dishes fast and we tell her that we want to rest a little. Then she gets mad and swears at us. .. More

  • Disobedience to husband

    My husband forbid me to go to my brother's Islamic engagement and has made my family very upset with him. They are not talking and I am feeling very upset. My husband said that due to him not being invited (which he was but not directly) that is the reason he did not let me nor my daughter go? Does he have the right? My parents are afraid that he will.. More

  • Parents Order Her Not to Cover Her Face and the Imam Says that She May Obey Them

    Does a daughter need to listen her father on a subject: he order her not to cover her face? What reasons can influence a person to leave his Sunnah? Our Imam said that it is permissible to leave some Sunnah in the aim "not to frighten weak or new Muslims". Is this correct? .. More

  • Father Threatens to Disown Son If He Gets Married

    When I was a student I agreed married a classmate after graduation. His parents are separated! After graduation his mother came and visited me at home with my family and ask for her son to come and propose to me! He actually came and met my father and proposed to me legally. He asked my father to wait until he is ready financially for marriage! All.. More

  • Dealing with People of the Book

    I am a student at an Islamic private school and I have to write a research paper on, "how to deal with the People of the Book". I have been unable to find any such information that was able to help, so I was wondering if you could help by sending me some information on this subject. Whatever information you are able to give me will suffice... More

  • Parents Want Her to Divorce Her Husband But She Doesn't Want to

    My parents are not happy with my husband because he doesn't earn. They are asking me to divorce him. If I don't listen to them am I being disobedient? I tried explaining to my dad, but he says I should divorce him. I don't want to leave my husband and I have 2 small children. .. More

  • Aging Parents Being Difficult with Son

    A good son spent his life making his parents happy. Now they are hard on him for the smallest reason, and are becoming oppressive, even when he is right. Do they have the right to be angry with him? They will not listen to his explanations. They are getting old and misjudge things. He is innocent of what they accuse him. Help him to do what is right... More

  • Family Problems with Mother

    I belong to a Muslim family where Islam is taken for granted because of their being born Muslims. My problem is my mother is wrong many times in dealing with us, with relatives, or with anyone. When anyone in the family including my father tries to tell her she is wrong she never accepts it. she starts shouting that we always blame her, etc. We always.. More

  • Family tries to convince father to abandon Shirk

    My Father is from the innovators while my brother, mother, sister and I am from Sunna. He doesn't believe in going to the mosques and praying behind the Imam and not even praying el Jumua, but we do. He seeks help from other than Allah and who he thinks are (awleyaa ALLAH) but we believe that only ALLAH can help us in anything and we shouldn't ask anyone.. More

  • Parents Want to Restrict Daughter's Islamic Education in Pakistan

    I am an undergraduate student of computer sciences in Pakistan. Recently I joined an institution ,madrassah,for a 2 years short course to learn Quran Tafseer, Hadith, Fiqh and Arabic Language. But now my parents have stopped me from going there. For past 2 or 3 yrs or more perhaps, I have been attending lectures and all...arranged in the community by.. More

  • Expenses of Female Servant Who Wants to Marry

    The servant in our house is a convert. She is 25 and not married. She is taken care of by a Muslim family. The proposals that comes to her asks dowry. She does not like to get married by giving dowry. Is it our responsibility to get her married. It is only two weeks that she has come to our house. Hope you will answer this question. Thank you. .. More

  • Wants to Cut Relation with Sister Who Married Without His Permission

    I have a sister who has been divorced for one year. After her edda period she married another person who doesn't pray salah without the knowladge of her {wali} Our father died and now I am her wali, she didn't inform me. I knew about her marriage after one month, because of that I cut relation with her for about one year. What is your advice to me,.. More