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1049 fatwas

  • Be just especially with wife!

    My husband has been changed after 4 month of our marrige. He said he do'nt have any desire for me. He is avoiding to give me my right. He got married to another woman. He says he is enjoying with her. Also, he believes because he will not be fair with me so, we must leave each other but I love him and I do'nt want to leave him. He said we must have.. More

  • How to deal with loud voices from a neighbouring Church?

    Asslamu Alaikum,We live in a residential area in the city of Addis Ababa. About five months ago our next door neighbors rented their house to a Protestant Church group, and they have been having their “meetings”, twice a week ever since. These so-called meetings are extremely loud not to mention disconcerting. What we have been doing is opening.. More

  • Husband Does Not Accept His Wife’s Islamic Dress

    My husband does not talk to me and does not accept my Islamic clotheswhat shall I do? .. More

  • Husband's family does not respect Islam or her as his wife

    My mother-in-law is non-Muslim. She doesn't respect my position as her son's wife. She only speaks to me in her son's presence. I've tried to build a relationship with her only to get very cold responses. She speaks to my husband about women he knew before he returned to Islam. She won't visit our home. She simply makes no effort to be a part of.. More

  • How to Treat Non-Muslim Parents or Relatives

    I would like to know the Islamic ruling on how a Muslim woman and her children and husband should behave towards her non-Muslim parents. She lives in the Middle East and her parents and other kin live in North America. My question is: what is the correct way to treat them? Please elaborate on this, regarding visits, telephone calls, etc. .. More

  • Who to Obey: Her Husband or Her Father?

    I am married lady from Gulf country and I am working as teacher (Islamic subject). My husband has the first year to study in UK and he has asked me to go with him but if I go with him my salary will stop and my father is forcing me to pay him half of my salary. I don't know if I am responsible to go with my husband or to stay in my home with my job.. More

  • Wife calling her husband by his name

    Can a wife call her husband by his name? Like if his name is Muhammad , can his wife call him Muhammad ?.. More

  • A rebellions sister toward Islam

    I have a sister who performs her prayers. I have some problems with her; first of all she does not respect me and second she listens to music despite of my advice to leave it because it's Haram. The most important problem is that she does not wear Hijab and she does not accept any conversation about this matter. That's why I have not spoken to her.. More

  • Hating a Muslim for his bad behaviour

    Is hate permitted? Is there a difference between hating the behavior of someone or the person himself?.. More

  • Helping someone in spite of difficult relations

    I have a Muslim brother whom I used to take to the mosque whenever I went and I used to help him shop, driving him home, etc ... as he has no car. My problem that I don't agree with him in most of his opinions, especially about Islam many times I feel frustrated by his acts, his unconcern for what I say, his sayings and I usual feel that he is using.. More

  • Her Mother Drinks and Does Not Fast or Pray

    Please help me with appropriate prayers for my mother who doesn't pray or fast and also drinks. .. More

  • Explanation of Hadith

    Dear Brother, I need and appreciate it if you can shed light on the following Hadith. I read a Hadith in Sahih Bukhari Volume 5, Book 59, Number 702 about Ka'b Bin Malik , the Sahabah who stood the test and trials by being boycotted by his fellow Sahabah and Rasulullah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) until the decision from Allah to accept his repentance.. More

  • Obedience to parents

    Do we have to listen and act upon whatever our parents say eves if it is wrong to do? .. More

  • Father does not approve of her marital choice

    I am in love with someone and he has the same feelings towards me too. We decided to get married but my father is refusing and he actually wants me to marry someone else, because he is 15 years older and has kids (he is divorced) I really don't know what am I suppose to do I can't imagine my life with someone other than the one I love and also I can't.. More

  • Supporting Parents from Saving Household Money Given by Husband

    Can a housewife help her needy parents from the money she saves out of her monthly kitchen expenses from her husband without telling him? She thinks that he will make fun of her parents in distress? If she can't, how can a woman live in wealth while her parents are in agony? .. More